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Yemenis in Bahrain: Government Blocks our Money Transfers to our Families in Yemen and Spies on us 24/7

2015-04-23 - 3:06 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Yemeni nationals working in Bahrain revealed to Bahrain Mirror that the harassments they are subjected to have clearly intensified after the Saudi aggression on Yemen was launched.

One of these Yemenis said that Bahraini authorities: "ordered banks and establishments that offer currency exchange services to refuse to allow us to transfer money to our families in Yemen. After we made great efforts, they allowed us to transfer less than a 100 Dinars only. They want our families to starve to death by this cruel decision."

Other Yemenis complained that they are being constantly watched. One of them said: "Syrians and Pakistanis have become like permanent spies against us and harass us. Our every move and call is watched. We are aware of that. We know that there is a state of unannounced emergency, which is basically implemented out of fear of the Yemenis working in Bahrain. That's because they know that most of us are against what they are doing to our country, the massacres they are committing and the destruction they are causing."

It is noteworthy that a large Yemeni community resides in Bahrain. Most of the Yemenis were granted Bahraini citizenship. and the vast majority of Yemenis in Bahrain work in the military and security institutions.

Arabic Issue


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