
Bahraini Court Acquits Policeman who Shot Protestor Dead

2015-11-10 - 12:21 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): A Bahraini court acquitted on Sunday (November 8, 2015) a policeman who deliberately opened fire at a protestor, who was holding a photo of the opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, in protest against Salman's arrest.

Activists on social media posted a video showing the security forces while targeting a protest (January 20, 2015) with "shotguns" from close range before the protestor fell to the ground.

Bahraini courts have acquitted a number of policemen involved in killing protestors. The Bahraini Prime Minister, Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, vowed that the law won't be applied to the policemen.

Arabic Issue 
