
Al-Wefaq Deputy SG in Televised Speech: Executions to Leave Serious Political and Security Repercussions (Full Speech)

2017-01-20 - 12:36 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Al-Wefaq Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Hussein al-Daihi, delivered a televised speech (Wednesday January 18, 2017), in response of the Bahraini regime's execution of 3 Bahraini political detainees.

In his speech, Sheikh al-Daihi said stressed that the execution will leave behind it serious political and security repercussion on the country.

He also confirmed that the Bahraini people will win their fair and legitimate rights, no matter the sacrifices. Al-Daihi further indicated the shameful international silence in response to this crime, stressing that the international community bears responsibility of uncontrolled persecution in Bahrain.

Following is the complete text of Al-Wefaq Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Hussein al-Daihi's televised memorial discourse:

Memorial Discourse on the Three Bahraini Executed Martyrs Sheikh Hussein al-Daihi

Deputy Secretary General of al-Wefaq National Islamic Society in Bahrain

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon Allah's Best Creation, the Prophet Mohammad, and upon his Household

Peace be upon the nation who's promised victory, and who's destined to glory; and whom Allah chose to assist, then they cannot be defeated, as his will is irreversible, invincible, not hindered by any circumstance, and does not any reasons, as all reasons are under his power.

Peace be upon you, a nation whom Allah has tested and found that they are patient and thankful; and whose determination remained firm despite the regime's oppression and terror.

Peace be upon you; a nation who sacrifices its men for the sake of its religion, pride and dignity, and it also sacrifices martyrs, wounds, prisoners, persecuted and displaced; despite all that, you have not yielded or vowed like slaves.

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon our Ali Singace, our Abbass AL-Samei, and our Sami Mushaima; our great martyrs who were killed unjustly and out of law and humanity. They were killed under a scheme, fabrication and injustice, as vicious and heinous as injustice could be. They are young men who believed in their God, their cause, and right to dignity, justice and equality. Allah in return granted them early realization and clear enlightenment, so they received martyrdom like people of Bader and Khaybar do, with honest certainty and confidence in that wealth is paradise, the fate is the afterlife, and "On that day shall they perish who say false things".

I express my condolences, on my behalf and behalf of Al-Wefaq Secretary General, His Eminence Sheikh Ali Salman, over the loss of these heroic men, to their families and parents. I congratulate them over their martyrdom and the better fate. I also express the great pride in the mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters of martyrs, who were the finest example of content in Allah's will, patience, pride, and honor, which scolded the regime before its mercenaries, over this heinous crime.

Peace is extended to our young men, women, fathers, and mothers, who steadfastly continue the struggle on the same path paved by the precious bloods of martyrs defending our beloved Bahrain, its honor, civilization, security and safety. They are also striving to protect our leader Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim; our inspirer, protector of our peace and the patron of our journey, who resides safely in his den, reassured by Allah's protection.

To the sons of our nation, to the liberal and faithful people, May Allah salute your zeal and heartiness. You have proved with your awareness, insight, courage, and power of your presence in protest, condemnation and denunciation of the heinous crime, that you are more powerful than to be defeated by the concept of shedding innocent blood, or the concept of murder, oppression, and torture. You, by your firm will, thwarted the regime's goals, as it wanted to break your resilience when it approved the executions. The regime's message from this crime was well received, and to answer it we say: The people of Bahrain will win its fair and legitimate rights, no matter the sacrifices.

This heinous crime, which claimed the lives of three innocent knights of this country; they are the happy martyrs Abbass Al-Samei, Sami Mushaima and Ali al-Singace, came as a natural result of the corruption in official security and judiciary apparatuses, and the lack of power separation concept. These happy martyrs were implicated, by the regime's political and security failure, in a case, whose entire evidence indicate their innocent from. However, it is a security apparatus, which fails to maintain security, or provide it to citizens and residents. What then could it present its master to justify its failure other than victims of torture and abuse?

This is a failure security system by all standards, it is fragile and worn-out from the inside, surrounded by bribes, personal interests, deals settlements, and repulsive sectarianism. [In this system], mercenaries and foreigners are free to act, without any religious, national, or professional values. You have to pay to receive what you want, whoever you were.

This failure is covered by the killing of innocent people, to present a token of past and upcoming "bullying" to regime allies. These allies, which the Bahraini people never wronged, nor assaulted. They were however, who came with their tools and militaries to oppress [the people], kill them, and torture them. There was no crime but that they followed the doctrine of the Prophet Mohammad and his Household, and demanded their minimum legitimate rights.

Indeed, this is a monstrous and inhuman crime by all standards, as stated by a UN figure, who is (the UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Executions), and other international rights advocates stated that the trial lacked any sign of justice, and therefore making it an execution "out of law".

The crime of executing these innocent men, validates the national demands in ensuring a fair judiciary; or else what could one dub the torture of more than 4000 Bahrainis in prison, and the martyrdom of more than 150 Bahrainis among them children and fetuses, at the hands of security forces and mercenaries brought from abroad? Meanwhile, the real accountability of the killers in ranks of political and security leadership is 0%.

It is a politicized judiciary to the core, and false justice, as recognized by the United Nations, and examples on that are countless. The case of dissolving al-Wefaq Society is not alien to us, nor is the Khums case, which is a religious ritual presented as "crime", only to target the biggest religious figure for his stances in support of the people's political and legal demands! Imprisoning al-Wefaq Secretary General Sheikh Ali Salman for 9 years, along with other clerics and figures, stands evidence to their fake justice.

Therefore, we emphasize our call to form an international investigations committee to look into all crimes that took place in Bahrain, and pressure Bahrain to be compelled to join the "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court", in order to activate the principle of international justice in prosecuting crime perpetrators in Bahrain.  

The international community is held accountable for the state of security and sectarian persecution in Bahrain, against the indigenous Shiite citizens. In addition, the international community, which stands witness and turns a blind eye to crimes that happened in Bahrain throughout these years, relying only on shy statements or shameful silence, ought to abide by the principles it suggests and raises in other arenas. The United States, one of the regime's main allies, has not presented to the Bahraini people any practical measure to stop the systematic crimes committed by the regime; as we are not part of its agenda of interests.

As for Britain, we don't address its government, but we rather address its taxpayers. We tell them that your government has not space for democratic values. We are not weapons importers for your country to consider us. However, we inform you that part of your money is spent in Bahrain to oppress an unarmed, defenseless nation, due to the support of façade institutions, whose main role is to cover up and justify human rights violations. The British government also provides training programs, so that the security men of Bahrain ace torture, impunity, freedom crackdown, and oppression of peaceful people. Your money goes to training judges and Public Prosecution members, whose duty is to acquit all human rights violators and torturers, issue death verdicts, life imprisonment sentences, and other harsh sentences, in addition to dissolving political parties, prosecuting and imprisoning owners of consciences.

You ought to prevent your government from supporting this disgraceful behavior under the pretext of "supporting Bahraini judicial and security reform", a program that, since it started, became the worst security and judiciary system in the region!

This crime came to kill these innocent people, at a time when our people in besieged Diraz still suffer for more than half a year now, after the citizenship revocation of our father and leader, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim. The international public opinion disregarded this humanitarian tragedy, in which the regime did not even hesitate to prevent entry of water and food supplies to Diraz. If it were not for God's will, the regime attempted to raid our leader Sheikh's [Isa Qassim] house, and recommit the Pearl (Lualua) Roundabout massacre, this time against protesters in Diraz.

The regime's recklessness ad madness in executing the three hero martyrs, will drag the country, undoubtedly, into serious blunders, leaving serious political, economic, and security repercussions. The choice of execution in confrontation of a peaceful legitimate movement is an execution of the country's future political stability. All sincere national calls for an inclusive political solution, was tackled by the regime by means of security oppression, arbitrary arrests, suspending all institutional existence of the national opposition expressing the popular will, through dissolving political societies and limiting the world  of other opposition forces, while embracing a "police state" approach.

The crime of political assassination committed against the three heroes undermines the concept of national reconciliation, due to choosing security choices, which we fear might lead to the deterioration of the situation, although we desire nothing for this beloved country other than goodness and peace. However, the heat of this grave tragedy must not be cooled down, as we confirm our strategic peaceful choice, and our complete support to the peaceful protests in Bahrain.

Our deep entrenched conviction lies in the need that the political solution be completely national. However, the absence of moderate and rational forces, the lack of political reform in prisons, insistence on denying the reality of the crisis, and the indifference towards all calls for political solution, led to the collapse of contractual formula between the rulers and opposition, and the deepening of the trust crisis. This confirms the need to provide an international and UN guarantee for any political solution in Bahrain.

Our choice remains one, and we shall not give it up; and it our complete rights as citizens in a state that meets the principle of "people are the source/base of authorities", in accordance with international standards, without any exclusion or marginalization of any group. We shall adopt the peaceful movement and its continuation as a route to this, reliant on God, who suffices us. We are confident in our people, their steadfastness, patience, and determination.

Our bet is on the stability and firmness of this nations, which has not, and will not tire and break. We reiterate to our people, our leader Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, our Secretary General Sheikh Ali Salman, and to the honorable families of our dear martyrs, our promise that we shall continue [on this path] until the last breath.

To the regime we say: detain us, kill us, commit your crimes, you have not legitimacy, even if you throw us all in prison.

Arabic Version    
