Editorial: King of Coups and �What�s Hidden is Worse�

2018-03-16 - 5:34 p
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The curse of February 14 hunts the King of Bahrain. On February 14, 2001, the charter came into force. On February 14, 2002, he overturned the contractual constitution and introduced a new constitution that represents him, a constitution that wasn't given any legitimacy by the people. On February 14, 2011, the people of Bahrain also responded to this coup with an unprecedented popular uprising in the history of Bahrain. This time February 14 comes retroactively in an incident dating back to 1996, when the king's head was crowned by the shame of directing a coup cell against an independent, sovereign sister state.
It seems that this date represents something of the unseen, as if it holds the secrets of fates and predestinations. One of the leaders of the coup cell, who met during the meetings set for planning the coup with Hamad bin Isa himself- the then crown prince, tells us that one of the hours of February 16, 1996 was set to become the zero hour. The plan; however, changed later with fate deciding that the zero hour would now be February 14, as if fate wanted to confirm that February 14 is his day, the day of his betrayals and coups against his people and neighbors as well.
Hamad bin Isa was a member of the supreme committee for managing the coup and head of the coup command operations room in Bahrain and in the second room in the city of Khobar, Hamad bin Jassim bin Hamad was heading operations before the Saudi officer Sultan Al-Ajami was assigned the task executively- as if fate was taking revenge by choosing the day and name as well.
Jaber Mohammed Al-Jalab Al-Marri, the police officer involved in the coup leadership, informed us that he met with Sultan bin Abdul Aziz in Saudi Arabia who told him that they had a wary vigilant eyes and that the international law was restricting them, adding that he would coordinate with Hamad bin Isa. Hence, it seemed as if he was entrusting this dirty task to men born for it, especially since a year ago an attempted coup d'etat was carried out by mercenaries.
Al-Marri, who makes his testimony from his luxurious home and not in front of the cameras of the Ministry of Interior and security services, went on to say that Hamad bin Isa asked a Qatari liaison officer to reside in Bahrain to coordinate with him, so they brought him Nasser Al-Marri. He further pointed out that the then Crown Prince said that they would not act in the name of their countries, but rather in the name of the Peninsula Shield Forces. Here, the February 14 curse appears again, as this date is linked to the intervention of the Peninsula Shield Forces at the request of Hamad bin Isa himself to crush the legitimate demands of his people. Both events constitute a coup against the Charter of the Peninsula Shield, since none of its articles stipulate it crack down on the demands of the Gulf peoples or orchestrate coups against the governments of the Gulf monarchies.
Hamad bin Isa deserves to be the king of coups, since on the one hand his regime is the regime most accusing of its people of forming cells for launching coups against his ruling family, the last of which was the 116 cell, announced days before his cell was exposed, and on the other hand, he was one of the leaders of the largest Gulf coup cell targeting a stable Gulf government.
It seems that the king of coups is playing his worst dramatic roles before the world, the Gulf public opinion and the people whom he has mastered violating, accusing and defaming. The families of his victims have suffered greatly when they watched on Bahraini television and saw in Bahraini newspapers the pictures of their loved ones making confessions extracted under sadistic torture. They watched them as the marks of oppression, torture and humiliation spoke volumes more than their tongues, until they were fed up with the numerous "coup cell" series that contain nothing but confessions of victims.
Al Jazeera's "What's Hidden is Worse" film came to expose how awful this long series has been, and unveil the reality of the head of this regime, who is reproducing this series on a daily basis in dull and boring versions, in order to hide his involvement in the most dangerous cell coup aimed at stabilizing the Gulf.