
Al-Wefaq: Regime will Remain Illegitimate after Upholding Sentence against Opposition Leader Sheikh Ali Salman

2019-01-29 - 2:04 am

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini regime's courts issued a final life sentence against Bahrain's national opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, and two former Al-Wefaq MPs today, Monday, January 28, 2019.

Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said that the ruling was issued against Sheikh Salman for political reasons and retaliation, noting that the use of the judiciary and trials is nothing but a cover for Bahrain's authoritarian bloody regime. Al-Wefaq considered that the regime sentenced itself to remain illegitimate for 25 years, asserting that its control over the joints of state, wealth and decisions using force, oppression, starvation and weapons will not last for a long time. The society also noted that the authoritarian regimes that were toppled in the region were more powerful and more rational than the Bahraini regime, adding that they had some supporters around them, which the Bahraini regime lacks.

Al-Wefaq confirmed that the whole case was based on weak fabrication and fraud, stressing that the Bahraini regime's habit is to use the people, whether Shiites or Sunnis, either to seek more money from countries, which are hostile to the aspirations of the people and which fund corrupt and tyrannical regimes, or to establish fake alliances in the face of the aspirations of its people.

Commenting on the sentence, Al-Wefaq said that the verdicts issued by the judiciary, which is headed by the king, has become a mockery to the Bahrainis, confirming that there is hardly any Bahraini house today that one of its members is not a martyr, detainee, displaced or dismissed. Al-Wefaq added that the number of cases and sentences has surpassed those of the countries of the whole world.

It further said that they were not surprised by the sentence because they know more than anyone the mentality of the ruling group and how Bahrain is managed and how the decision is made in it, which resulted in dozens of political, economic, social, security and diplomatic crises. This brought Bahrain to bankruptcy and collapse by the same group, without allowing one citizen to criticize or reject or even discuss.

Al-Wefaq stressed that the movement in Bahrain is continuing and will not stop or decline, instead, it will become more powerful and invulnerable. Moreover, Al-Wefaq said that the vast majority of the people of Bahrain are committed to the need to change from a bloody tyrannical regime to a moderate democratic regime, asserting that the establishment of a state of institutions and law instead of chaos, oppression and enslavement is the only way to salvation.

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