
Al-Wefaq Holds "On the Road to Victory" Event in Beirut to Mark Bahraini Uprising's 9th Anniversary

2020-02-15 - 7:22 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society organized an event entitled "On the Road to Victory" in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, which was attended by a number of political, religious and social figures, in addition to a number of activists and interested parties.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr. Yousef Rabie welcomed the attendees, highlighting that "on the ninth anniversary of the Bahraini uprising, Bahrainis are still on the road to victory" and said  that "Al-Wefaq Society is pleased to hold this gathering to emphasize the steadfastness and persistence in adhering to the values ​​for which Bahrainis rose up."

After the welcome, Secretary General of Arab Parties Conference, Mr. Qassim Saleh, spoke. He stressed that "the ruling class in Bahrain did not answer the demands of the Bahraini people but instead resorted to the help of the Peninsula Shield forces of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to aid it in its clampdown on its people, violating Bahrain's sovereignty and practicing the most hideous forms of punishment and abuse against the innocents as well as prosecuting them in sham trials." He went on to say that the Bahraini people "were persistent in carrying on despite the hefty prices paid and spilt blood of martyrs."

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Saleh pointed out that "Bahraini officials have been trying to throw the country in the arms of hostile projects since 1994, engage in normalization projects with the usurper Zionist enemy, and secure the way for conferences and deals that are being waged against our nation, the last of which is the deal of the century announced by US President Trump for the purpose of liquidating the Palestinian cause in the presence of Bahrain's ambassador and a number of servile Gulf ambassadors, who abandoned the rights of the nation and betrayed its trust." On behalf of the General Secretariat of the Arab Parties, Saleh expressed "the most sincere sentiments of solidarity with the steadfast and enduring people of Bahrain," promising Bahrain's dear people, that they will "remain alongside its just cause until the desired change is achieved and the legitimate goals are met."

The Deputy Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq Society, Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi, followed with an address, in which he saluted the steadfast people of Bahrain, "who have been under siege every day and night, but this did not prevent them from supporting Palestine, standing against the deal of shame as well as supporting the oppressed Yemeni people." He also expressed the "greetings of Al-Wefaq Secretary-General, Sheikh Ali Salman, which he sent from one of Bahrain's prisons, where thousands are lingering behind bars and subjected to the worst forms of abuse and persecution."

Al-Daihi voiced his pride in "the leading role of Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim," adding that the Society "fully adopts what was stated in his speech yesterday."

Al-Daihi asserted that despite the tragedies the Bahraini people are facing, Bahrainis are "more involved in supporting the Palestinian people," hailing "the Arab and Islamic peoples who supported and stood with the besieged Bahraini people."

On the topic of the Bahraini uprising, Al-Daihi considered that "in Bahrain there is a revolution that is extraordinary; a pure peaceful revolution and a creative people that we can call the pearl of revolutions. This revolution has expressed all values ​​of goodness, pride and dignity." He also saluted "all the families of martyrs and prisoners."

Sheikh Al-Daihi addressed the Bahraini people by saying: "Dear people of Bahrain, you have believed in your cause for which you made sacrifices to achieve your demands. You had and still have the competence and strong determination to achieve the promised victory."

He further pointed out that the people of Bahrain today have a strong insight and that the regime and its supporters cannot fool them, noting that "since that day when the authorities turned against the Charter and canceled the social contract, Bahrain turned into a large prison and a police state as daily raids did not stop and continued until tens of thousands of night raids have been launched," adding that this regime has "thrown thousands of Bahrainis, including activists, scholars, academics, women, and children, in prison, becoming the number one country in the Middle East in terms of the number of political prisoners according to study centers."

Sheikh Al-Daihi talked about the role of the Bahraini opposition before and after the revolution, and saw that it "demonstrated the finest positive image, and the result was the failure of the regime during the past nine years of the movement, as it was not able to silence the people despite the repression, and the evidence for this is how the people took to the streets inside Bahrain to mark the ninth anniversary." He noted that "the regime failed to convince its international allies of its victory. This regime has banned breathing, as it criminalized [expression of opinion] with a word or even a tweet, to the extent that it even summons preachers from mosques if they mention a verse about jihad and martyrdom in their sermons, for interrogation."

Al-Daihi urged the Bahraini people to remain "steadfast and strong in the face of challenges," calling on Bahrainis to cherish themselves and not break in the face of tyranny and raise their voices with utter peacefulness, stressing on the importance of documentation of the violations of the Bahraini regime and the initiative "to take action in all fields."

He asserted that "the regime needs to be stopped," saying that the Bahraini people "are capable of devising peaceful means to expose it."

The ceremony included the recitation of a poem about the Bahraini uprising by poet Hassan Al-Miqdad.

The representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Mr. Marwan Abdel-Al, delivered a speech in which he paid tribute "from Palestine to all the fighting forces, especially Al-Wefaq Society and the honorable people of Bahrain."

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Abdel-Al stated that "the people of Bahrain are among the most Arab people who yearn for freedom and democracy," noting that they are and will continue to be a people of resistance and liberation..."

For its part, Yemen Ansarullah Movement's speech was given by Mr. Ali Sharaf Al-Mahtoori, who symbolically gifted the Bahraini and Palestine peoples "the last victory of the Yemeni people, which was the Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous Operation."

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Al-Mahtoori pointed out how nine years of oppression could exhaust a person, "yet the Bahraini people persevere, continuing to carry out acts of resistance, the last of which civil disobedience, to say that the people are not and will not tire."

The event was concluded by a recorded speech by Archbishop Atallah Hannah from Al-Quds, in which he said: "From Al-Quds, the capital of Palestine, the incubator of our holies, we salute our brotherly Bahraini people and all the Arab peoples that stand with Palestine."

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"We salute the Bahraini and Arab peoples rejecting the forms of normalization that we are noticing in some places, and we call on our Arab nations to turn its attention to Palestine and Al-Quds that are being targeted by the occupation on a daily basis," he said.

Atallah stated that he hoped "we become a united Arab nation in our defense of Palestine in order to fail the ill-fated deal of the century, which neither the Palestinians nor any free Arab would accept. "


Arabic Version