
Senior Bahraini Clerics Call on Authorities to Stop Flights Coming from Infected Countries, Particularly India

2021-05-23 - 3:39 am

Bahrain Mirror: Four senior Bahraini clerics: Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, Sheikh Mohammad Saleh Al-Rabei, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour and Sheikh Mahmoud Al-A'ali issued a statement on the increasing number of Coronavirus cases.

The clerics said that the unprecedented increase in number of Coronavirus cases and deaths is a serious indicator, and we fear that this steady increase will make the medical staff lose the ability to provide adequate care to infected people. As the number of infections and deaths is constantly decreasing in neighboring states, the number is increasing in Bahrain.

Thus, in order to save the lives of people, we call on the competent authorities, which we know are keen on the interests of the people and country and have exerted efforts to do so, to stop flights coming from infected countries, particularly India. We also call them not to receive people of these countries and not to make the Kingdom of Bahrain a quarantine.

The clerics added that the authorities should also consider the decision to open unnecessary facilities, like recreational facilities.

They also called on all Bahrainis to be very careful and commit to preventive precautions and not to visit public facilities, if unnecessary, and avoid unnecessary contact with people, including family gatherings, until this epidemic ends.  

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