
HR Activist Yousif Al-Muhafda Reveals Bahrain University Book Insulting to Shia Doctrine, Demands Taking Action

2022-01-05 - 6:34 p

Bahrain Mirror: Human rights activist Yousif Al-Muhafda demanded launching an independent investigation on one of the religious books adopted in the University of Bahrain after receiving complaints that it insults one of the Shia sect symbols.

Al-Muhafda said via his Twitter account "I have received complaints from students of the bachelor's Islamic studies students at the official University of Bahrain that they have studied a religious text that insults a symbol of the Shiite community, which is a clear violation of the Constitution and international conventions."

"The book which is for a course on faith (Al-Aqeeda) 252 is mandatory for a bachelor's degree in the Islamic studies."

"The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is clear and stipulates in article 18 that everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching," he added.

Al-Muhafda demanded "an independent commission of inquiry into these books, which are being taught in the University of Bahrain that includes Shiite and Sunni students, and that insult one of the Shia sect symbols, which causes a disruption to civil and public peace and threatens national unity."

He called for holding accountable those involved in teaching religious texts that include hatred against an indigenous component of society.

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