
Information Circulated about Suspicious Purchases by Jewish Companies in Isa Town and Saar

2023-01-10 - 7:42 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Citizens in Bahrain are circulating worrying information about plenty of offers that have been made to a number of citizens through phone calls from brokers to buy their homes, in both Isa Town and Saar area. One citizen is reported to have been offered an amount of 500,000 dinars to purchase his house.

Brokers, some of whom were Arab nationals (Egyptians, Syrians), contacted a number of citizens and offered them very large sums. Upon checking the nature of the buyers, the brokers said that the purchase would be by a company, and one of the brokers admitted that the final buyers were Jewish. Another citizen said in an audio recording quoting a friend who told him that one of the mediators said that the Jews will buy entire areas, regardless of the asking prices.

These developments come after what was revealed during the month of July of 2022 to citizens about a project sponsored by the Bahraini authorities aimed at officially Judaizing the old Manama area.

Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim issued a statement after confirming the news about that project, in which he declared the sale of any house or plot of land to Zionists is forbidden. Ayatollah Qassim addressed the people of Bahrain, saying: "Dear people of Bahrain, do not allow yourselves to be bought with Jewish [Zionist] money to hand over even a small piece of land, or a small house from the lands and houses of Bahrain, for by this you surrender to them your religion, history, homeland, present and future."

The statement stressed that whoever sells to them any plot of land or house is not selling mere soil and stones, but rather selling a homeland, people, nation, history, and cherished sanctities.

The regime's plan along with the Jewish parties funding settlement projects aims at Judaizing Manama and converting about 40% of the old city's neighborhoods into Jewish roads, buildings and symbols, starting from Bab Al-Bahrain, through Al-Mutanabbi Street, leading to the synagogue.

The Manama Judaization project seeks to construct the Jewish Quarter and the Jewish landmarks that have begun to emerge at one of the new hotels near Bab Al Bahrain, and will later extend to Imam Hussein Street and the Police Fort.

The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities issued a map comprising the Synagogue, Hindu Temple, Al-Fadhel Mosque and Manamat Al-Gossaibi, along with gold shops among other shops. There was no mention in this map of ancient historical landmarks associated with the basic components of Bahraini society or the history of Bahrain's Manama.


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