Appeal Court Substitutes 2-Month Prison Term of 70-Year-Old Bahraini with House Arrest
The High Criminal Court of Appeal issued the first sentence of its kind substituting the penalty of a 70-year-old Bahraini man sentenced to two months' imprisonment with house arrest, after convicting him of taking by deception a sum of 2,200 dinars from two persons.
Cassation Court Overturns Prison Sentence of Bahraini Woman Charged with �Insulting the Judiciary�
The Court of Cassation overturned a one-year sentence of a 50-year-old Bahraini woman for insulting the judiciary and referred the case back to the court that issued the ruling.
Defendant Receives 2-Year Jail Term over Burning Water Tank in Buri
The Fourth High Criminal Court sentenced a suspect who took part in burning water tank in Buri, along with about 40 individuals, to 2 years in prison over the accusations brought against him.
Court Sentences Defendants to Prison Terms Reaching Up to Life Imprisonment for Torturing & Murdering Youth in Diraz
The fourth high criminal court in Bahrain sentenced two defendants to life imprisonment for the murder of a young man (Sayed Ahmad Mousa) in Diraz and dumping his body in an empty area, and handed down to two others 5 and 3-year prison terms.
Appeal Court Suspends Prison Term of Bahraini Woman, Upholds 1-Year Prison Sentence against her Husband for Hiding Nephew
The High Court of Appeals upheld a one-year prison sentence handed down to a couple for harboring at their home their wanted nephew, who is sentenced to 10 years in prison for burning the Al-Khamees police station.
Appeal Court: Four Bahrainis Accused of Communicating with Iran Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison and Stripped of their Nationality
The High Court of Appeal in Bahrain handed down a 15-year prison term instead of life imprisonment to four defendants in the case of communicating with Iran, establishing and joining a terrorist group, training on the use of weapons and explosives, and importing weapons, ammunition and explosives from Iran.
Gulf National Sentenced to 1 Month in Prison, Fined 500 BD for Giving Speed Camera Rude Gesture
The seventh minor criminal court (specialized in traffic cases) in Bahrain sentenced a 22-year-old Gulf national to one month in prison, also fining him 500 Bahraini dinars for making a rude gesture at the speed camera, which caught him exceeding the speed limit.
2 Defendants Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison, 4 Others to 2 Years over Blast Case in Karana
The First High Criminal Appeals Court sentenced 2 defendants to 10 years in prison instead of 15 and handed down 2-year jail term instead of 4 to 4 defendants accused of taking part in planting a bomb in security patrol location in Karana and attempting to murder 3 policemen. The court upheld binding the defendants to pay 1178.550 BD for the damages caused to the security patrol and ordered the confiscation of seized items.
One-Year Prison Term Handed down to Bahraini over Cahrges of Planting Fake Bomb in Al-Sahla
The fourth high criminal court in Bahrain sentenced a 16-year-old boy to one year in prison on charges of staring fire and setting up a replica of explosives on a road in Al-Sahla.
Businessman Sentenced to Month in Prison, Fined 500 Dinars for �Insulting� Bahraini Minister of Commerce
A Bahraini minor criminal court sentenced Bahraini businessman Samih Rajab to one month in prison, over charges of insulting and slandering the Minister of Industry and Commerce Zayed Al-Zayani.
Case of 5 Suspects Accused of Hiding Wanted over Political Cases Adjourned to Call Attesting Witness
The First High Criminal Court decided to summon the attesting witness in a case that comprises 5 suspects accused of hiding wanted and convicts over political cases, and adjourned the case until November 8, to listen to the witness testimonies.
Court Rejects Appeal of Bahraini Accused of Writing Statements Insulting King in Al-Dair, Upholds 1 Year Prison Sentence
The Bahraini High (Appeal) Criminal Court rejected the appeal of a defendant sentenced to one year in prison on charges of insulting the country�s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, for �filing it after the due date.�
Appeals: Wa�ad Dissolution Case Adjourned until Oct. 22 to Hear the Defense
The High Administrative court held on Wednesday (October 11, 2017) its first sessions to consider the appeals filed against the verdict dissolving National Democratic Action Society - Wa'ad.
Appeals Court Adjourns 11 Cases against �Mnarfezhom� until November 8
The Second Criminal Appeals Court adjourned until November 8th 11 appeals filed by owner of �Mnarefzhom" account and editor of videos circulated on the account. The two defendants had appealed against the verdicts issued against them. The defendants were accused of insulting the victims and misusing communication means.
Court Deprives a Bahraini�s Right to Appeal Sentencing him to 1 Year in Prison for Protesting
Bahrain�s Second High Criminal Court decided to reject, in absentia, the right of a 50-year-old Bahraini accused of �assembly� to appeal.
Appeals of Suspects Accused of Killing Policeman in Karbabad Adjourned until Oct. 23 for Pleading
The Fifth High Appeals Court adjourned the appeals of suspects, accused of setting police patrol to fire by Molotov, killing a policeman in Karbabad and attempting to kill others, to October 23 for pleading and getting the rest appellants. 2 of the suspects in this case are sentenced to death penalty and 11 other are sentenced to life in prison.
Court Fines Attesting Witness for not Attending Trial of Suspects Accused of Escaping Dry Dock Prison
The First High Criminal Court ordered the Public Prosecution to summon the 19th attesting witness in the case of 23 suspects who 17 of them could flee Dry Dock Prison on June 3, 2016, after attacking and beating a number of policemen and stealing a bus drives by an Asian man. The rest of the suspects whose ages range between 19 and 27 years helped the fugitives to flee and hid them.
Six-Month Prison Sentence Handed down to Accused for Possession of Molotov Bombs, Another Acquitted of Gas Cylinder Explosion Charges
The high criminal court acquitted a 20-year-old man of alleged involvement in the bombing of the Sar area, while the other two defendants, aged 15, were sentenced to six months in prison each for possessing Molotov cocktails.
Court of Appeals Adjourns Case of Sheikh Hasan Isa and Others until Oct. 22 for pleading
The Fifth High Criminal Appeals Court postponed the case of Al-Wefaq leader Sheikh Hasan Isa and others to October 22 for pleading.
Bahraini Gov�t Approves Toughening �Electoral Crimes� Penalty to 2-Year Imprisonment & 2000 Dinar Fine
The Bahraini government approved toughening the penalty for �electoral crimes� for up to two years imprisonment and a 2,000 dinar fine, which is part of a bill to amend the election system of municipal council members.