UN Rapporteurs Demand Bahrain to Initiate Investigation on Violations against Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja
UN special rapporteurs expressed their utmost concern at the continued arbitrary detention of human rights defender Mr. Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, after receiving concerning allegations of torture, ill treatment, poor prison conditions and demanded Bahrain to initiate an investigation on these violations.
Parliamentarians in France, Spain Raise Questions on Stance Regarding Violations in Bahrain
European parliamentarians continued to pressure their governments on Bahrain's human rights file and abuses practiced by authorities in Manama against dissidents and activists.
138 Coalitions, Networks, and HR Organizations in Memorandum to UN S-G: All Prisoners of Conscience in Bahrain Must be Released
138 coalitions, networks, and human rights organizations issued a memorandum demanding the release of all prisoners of conscience in Bahrain amid Coronavirus outbreak.
Belgian Senator Calls on His Country to Take Action amid Worsening Covid-19 Outbreak in Bahraini Prisons
A member of the Belgian Senate, Philippe Courard, tabled a written question to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sophie Wilmes, regarding the current COVID-19 outbreak in Bahraini prisons.
Ali Alaswad: European Parliament Calls on Bahraini Authorities to Carry out Urgent Reforms
Ten years following the eruption of the peaceful uprising in Bahrain, the European Parliament offers a chance to resolve the crisis and the opposition is adopting it, but will the authorities in Manama take this opportunity? Perhaps there are other questions, but the major question remains: Will the international community be able to make real sustainable change? This is the most significant issue worthy of attention at the moment by both the authorities and the opposition.
Ayatollah Qassim: European Parliament Testimony on HR Issue in Bahrain Leaves No Excuse for Gov't Not to Correct Situation
"The European Parliament's testimony by a majority close to a consensus on human rights violation committed by the Bahraini government is one of the world's testimonies on this reality of the matter, which leaves no excuse for the government to evade its responsibility in correcting the situation," Sheikh Isa Qassim tweeted.
Special Investigation Unit and Ombudsman: Whitewashing of Crimes
Dictatorial regimes have two characteristics; brutality and whitewashing. We can say that the Bahraini regime is an expert in these two fields. While the police in Bahrain use brutal torture, other institutions master the art of whitewashing serious cases and covering up crimes.
Al-Aswad: EU Resolution Proves that Most European Counties Agree that Bahrain Needs Urgent Political and HR Reform
Analyzing the European resolution on the human rights and political situation in Bahrain, Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad said that all the European countries agree now that the Kingdom of Bahrain needs to carry out political reform, release prisoners of conscience and resume the work of opposing political societies.
Al-Wefaq Adopts EU Resolution: We Call on Authorities to Take Advantage of Opportunities
The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society announced adopting all what was stated in the European Parliament resolution, issued on March 11, 2021.
NPWJ Welcomes EU Resolution on Bahrain
No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) strongly welcomed the approval by an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament - 633 votes for, 11 against and 45 abstentions - of a resolution condemning in the strongest terms the human rights situation in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
EU Condemns HR Violations in Bahrain, Demands Immediate Release of Political Prisoners and End of Death Penalty
The European Parliament overwhelmingly condemned human rights violations in Bahrain and called, in a resolution it issued, to immediately release political prisoners and to stop death sentences in Bahrain
European Parliament Votes on Resolution Criticizing Bahrain's Deploring HR Situation
The European Parliament votes today on a resolution on the human rights situation in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in particular the cases of death row inmates and human rights defenders.
European Parliamentarians Call on Bahrain to Release Detainees due to Coronavirus
Sixty members of the European Parliament members have called on Bahrain to release prisoners of conscience and prominent political detainees because their lives are at risk from Covid-19.
60 MEPs Demand King of Bahrain to Release All Political Prisoners
Sixty members of the European Parliament members sent a letter to the King of Bahrain demanding the release of political detainees in Bahrain. Meanwhile, a British MP signed a petition warning about the imminent execution of two activists.
Iran Warns of Further Retreat from Nuclear Deal if No European Action by Thursday
Iran's foreign minister said on Tuesday Tehran would further cut its commitments under a 2015 nuclear deal unless European states acted to salvage the pact by Thursday, but that this did not mean the "end of talks", Iranian news agencies reported.
Ali Al-Aswad in front of European Parliament: Gov�t Silence Ramped up Violations in Bahrain
Sub-Committee on Human Rights in the European Parliament held a symposium to exchange views on Human Rights in the Arabian Peninsula, in which Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad took part, alongside fianc� of Jamal Kashoggi, who was killed in October 2018 in the Saudi consulate in Turkey.
30 MEPs Ask Thailand to Release Hakeem Al-Araibi
30 MEPs sent an urgent letter to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs Don Pramudwinai, in which they expressed their deep concern regarding the arrest of Bahraini player and urged the Thai authorities to release Hakeem Al-Araibia and ensure he returns safe to Australia.
European Union Condemns Upholding Sentence against Rajab, Calls for his Release
The European Union condemned the Court of Cassation of Bahrain decision upholding the five-year sentence against human rights defenders Nabeel Rajab.
Bahraini King Praises Arab Parliament Stances for Supporting Repressive Measures in the Kingdom
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa sent a letter of thanks to Arab Parliament Speaker Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salami for the important resolution issued by the Arab Parliament on July 4 to confront politicized and false resolutions and statements issued by the European Parliament on human rights in Bahrain.
Foreign Affairs Ministry Deplores European Parliament Resolution on Bahrain, Says it Will Respond in Details
Bahrain�s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly deplored the resolution of the European Parliament on Thursday (June 14, 2018) on human rights in the Kingdom and which, according to the ministry, was based �on false information that completely disregards the progress achieved in promoting and protecting human rights in the country in all the civil, political, economic, social and cultural fields�.