Bahraini Authorities Prevent Supreme Judicial Council Deputy President from Travel
This former high-ranking Bahraini judicial official is being prevented by the Bahraini authorities from traveling over fear of his departure with his family to live in Qatar near his tribe, which is deemed one of closest families to the Al Thani rulers of Qatar.
Bahraini Judiciary: Verdicts Issued to Serve Will of Appointed
Sami Mahmoud Abdulrahim is the other face of the Bahraini judiciary, where verdicts are issued to serve the will of the appointed and he who pays. It is a suspicious judiciary in which interests, money and politics overlap.
This is What Happened to Tweeters and Online Activists in Bahrain until Mid-2021: BPA
The London-based Bahrain Press Association (BPA) documented 15 cases of abuses against journalists, media professionals and tweeters during the first half of 2021.
Only 3-Year Prison Term Handed Down to Three Bahrainis who Joined ISIS
The Fourth High Criminal Court in Bahrain has sentenced to 3 years in prison three defendants from one family who joined the terrorist ISIS organization.
Police in Bahrain Beat Children, Threaten them with Rape and Electric Shocks
Bahrain police beat children arrested in protest-related cases in February 2021 and threatened them with rape and electric shocks, the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) and Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday (March 10, 2021).
Bahrain Raises Fine in Case Related to Iran to $21.5 Million
The Bahraini judiciary issued on Sunday a new ruling in the case of money-laundering which the "Future Bank, a number of Iranian banks and the Central Bank of Iran are accused with.
Last Call on Behalf of Mohammad Ramadan's Kids: Don't Destroy Their Lives
The Cassation Court issued the final verdict against Mohammad Ramadan and Hussain Moosa over charges of killing a policeman and other terrorism-related charges, even though both of the defendants stated that security men tortured and sexually assaulted them to extract confessions.
The Netherlands Calls on Bahrain to Quash Death Sentences of Mohammad Ramadan and Hussain Moosa
Amsterdam called on the Bahraini authorities to reverse the court rulings issued against the two youths, Mohammad Ramadan and Hussain Moosa, who were sentenced to death.
Mohammad Ramadan: I'm Innocent, Photos and Medical Reports Prove I was Tortured, The Washington Post
Bahraini prisoner Mohammad Ramadan, who is on death row, says that he is innocent of the charges raised against him, stressing that he was tortured for the purpose of extracting the confessions upon which he was convicted.
Amnesty Int'l 2019 Report: Unfair Trials Continue, Prisons Witness Inhuman Practices
Amnesty International said that Bahrain continued to use mass unfair trials during 2019, which the organization confirmed that it witnessed human rights violations.
Courts Roundup: 7 Activists Receive Death Sentence, 200 Citizens Sentenced to Life in Prison, including Sheikh Ali Salman
2019 was one of the bloodiest years that the Bahraini people will never forget. The king has once again exercised his authority to execute two citizens for political reasons. 2019 also witnessed the execution of two Bahrainis in Saudi Arabia on charges of �smuggling narcotic pills�.
Cassation Court Upholds 6-Month Jail Term against Ibrahim Sharif with Suspension of Verdict
The Cassation Court upheld a 6-month prison term against former Secretary-General of Wa'ad Ibrahim Shairf with the suspension of verdict to 3 years over charge of insulting the ousted Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir.
Ruling against Former MP Osama Al-Tamimi in Forgery Case to be Issued on Nov. 27
Human rights activist Ibtisam Al-Saegh said that a Bahraini court set 27/11/2019 as a date to issue its ruling in the case against former MP Osama Al-Tamimi.
Britain Spends Thousands Advising Bahrain on Ways to Keep its Citizens under House Arrest
Diplomats forked out �14,319 to bring eight Bahraini judges and Interior Ministry officials to England, where they also toured courts and probation centres.
Judiciary Acquits Drunk Killer but Refuses to Replace Nabeel Rajab's Prison Sentence with "Alternative Punishment"
The paradox lies in the fact that within less than 24 hours the Bahraini judiciary issued a 3-year prison term against the drunk Asian bus driver who claimed the life of a Bahraini citizen in an accident, while rejecting a request submitted by the internationally-known human rights defender Nabeel Rajab to change the rest of his prison term in accordance with the Alternative Penalty Law.
Detainee Hajar Mansour: I feel Suffocated
Detainee Hajar Mansour replied with tears when she was asked about her condition in an audio recording from prison. Hajar is no longer able to express her situation but with describing it as "suffocating". She repeated her statement with tears. Within less than one minute of the recorded audio, Hajar reiterated the word "suffocated" eight times, perhaps she thought saying it one time doesn't express the situation she is suffering from.
Ahmad Al-Malali�s Father Describes their Last Goodbyes: Bahrain Mirror
"I would have liked to be martyred in another way, but it happened in the end," said prisoner Ahmad Al-Malali, who was facing imminent execution within hours by security authorities in Bahrain over the death of officer Hisham Al-Hammadi, which is a case based on no evidence but confessions extracted under systematic torture, which is considered to be the master of evidence in the courts of Bahrain.
Bahraini Judiciary Allows Insulting Language against Shia
The ruling issued yesterday by a Bahraini court against the legal adviser of Bahraini businessman Samir Nass is not a mere judicial verdict, but rather a legislation that may have an impact on the Shiite community, without exaggeration, for decades.
Bahrain Says Following Opposition Social Media could Result in Legal Action: Reuters
Bahrain, a U.S. ally that hosts the Navy's Fifth Fleet, has warned citizens and residents that following anti-government social media accounts could result in legal action, hardening a government campaign against critical online voices.
Interior Ministry: Arms and Drugs Dealer Released via Alternative Penalty Law
The Bahraini Ministry of Interior announced that it released arms and drugs dealer Abdulrahman Khalifa Al-Dhahrani on Thursday (May 23, 2019). It, however, denied that the king released him, stressing that his release came through the judiciary, which is claimed to be an independent authority.