Al-Nuaimi: Education Promotions Based on �Potential and Priorities�
The Bahraini Minister of Education Majid Al-Nuaimi said that promotions in the Ministry of Education are carried out according to �potential and priorities� and in direct coordination with the Civil Service Bureau.
Austerity in Bahrain: Same Desk Stays with Student until Graduation from School
The Director of the Education Directorate at the Bahraini Ministry of Education, Najud Al-Dosari issued a circular on what she called "the regulation (rationing) of school furniture."
New lesson in 6th Grade Citizenship School Book Describing 2011 Events as Subversion
The Curricula Department at the Bahraini Ministry of Education has included a lesson in the sixth grade "Citizenship" school book that talks about the popular protests in Bahrain in 2011 that demanded political reforms to put an end to the ruling Al Khalifa family's monopoly over power.
Bahrain: How the Regime Destroyed Aspirations of Thousands of Top Students since 2006 so Far
Most comprehensive understanding of the reality of education in Bahrain requires being placed in the context of what was revealed by the former strategic planning adviser at the Royal Court, Salah al-Bandar, about �the systematic work on excluding the Shiite community in the country.�
PHOTOS: Students in Diraz Pass by Armored Vehicles to Reach their Schools
Barriers and barbed wires are spread everywhere in Diraz.Young students carrying heavy bags take a long walk before reaching their schools
400 Students Remain Detained with Launch of Academic Year
Bahrain Teachers� Association President Mahdi Abu Deeb said �there are 400 students that are detained and deprived from the right to education.�
3,300 Children Born in 2011 Denied Education on Education Ministry Orders
Group of parents told Al-Wasat newspaper that their children will be denied education, due to a decision issued by Ministry of Education.
Local Newspaper: Graduates with Highest GPAs Get Least Desired Scholarships
Local Bahraini Al-Wasat newspaper said graduate students� parents continued to file complaints about Interior Ministry�s unfair distribution of scholarships.
Bahraini Education Ministry Requires Scholarship-Holders Attain Good Conduct Certificate from Interior Ministry
Ministry of Education required those who received scholarships to go to nearest police station and get certificate of good conduct.
Parliamentary Proposal to Impose Fees on Foreigners Entering Public Schools
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Parliament's financial and economic affairs committee member Jalal Kadhem submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Education for imposing fees on foreign students entering public schools.
Local Newspaper: Bahrain's Education Ministry Delaying Promotions of 400 Teachers Since 2 Years
A group of Bahraini teachers said that the Ministry of Education has been delaying for two years now the promotions of hundreds of teachers, estimated to have reached 400.
Bahrain�s Schools with No Teachers
Bahrain Mirror: Although the 2015-2016 scholastic year has started about a month ago, a number of parents complained about the shortage of teachers in a number of public schools in Bahrain.
Bahrain�s Higher Education Council Summons RCSI President after Exam Papers Leakage
Bahrain Mirror: The General Secretariat of Higher Education Council summoned the president of the Medical University of Bahrain (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) over the leakage of some exam papers from the main university in Ireland.
Bahrain�s Former Education Minister Strongly Criticizes Scholarship System: Don�t Consider the Students� Political Views
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain�s former Minister of Education Ali Fakhro criticized the current system adopted by the Ministry of Education to choose high-ranking students for scholarships.
Bahrain�s Education Ministry Says Detained Students Will be Transferred to �Enrollment System�
Bahrain Mirror: Commenting on information stating that about 300 detained students are being deprived of education in schools, the Bahraini Ministry of Education said it is transferring all the detained students to an enrollment system.
Bahrain�s Education Minister Directs Schools to Praise Bahrain Defence Force
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Education directed school principals to praise the Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) during the morning line up.
Education Ministry Appoints Female Security Guards for Girls Schools
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Education said it appointed female security guards at girls schools and formed a unit of female guards to participate in maintaining security in a number of girls schools.
Al-Wefaq Seminar on Discrimination: Salem Demands Education Ministry to Have Transparency and Offer Equal Opportunities
Bahrain Mirror: During a seminar organized by Al-Wefaq on discrimination in Bahrain, the head of Al-Wefaq�s education team, former Member of Parliament Salman Salem, said that all they want is for the Education Ministry to do is have transparency and offer equal opportunities.
Teachers Call on Ministry of Education to Publish Scholarship Results in Local Papers
Bahrain Mirror: Teachers in the Bahraini Ministry of Education called on the ministry to publish the results of the distribution of scholarships allocated to the children of employees which are offered annually by the Ministry of Education.
Education Ministry Delays Issuing �No Objection� Certificates for Students Wishing to Study Abroad
Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini students who wish to pursue their studies abroad at their own expense said that the Scholarships and Attaches Directorate at Bahrain�s Ministry of Education delayed issuing the �No Objection� certificates for registration in universities.