After Failing Political War against Ashura, Bahrain King Wishes "Success" for Ashura Rituals
After opening mosques for the first time in 6 months due to the Coronavirus crisis, the Bahraini king performed Friday prayers at a private mosque in Al-Sakhir Palace and he issued an interesting statement in which he spoke about "the conclusion of Ashura commemoration" and said that he wishes "success" for the commemoration rituals.
Abbas Bou Safwan: Constitutional Freedom to Hold Husseini Procession and Blind-Hearted People
Blind-hearted people will never see the truth even when it is crystal clear.
Sheikh Al-Daihi: Closure of Al-Zahraa Mosque, Restrictions on Ashura Rituals Deemed Blatant Violation against Values, Rituals
Al-Wefaq deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi condemned the closure of Al-Zahraa Mosque in Hamad Town and restrictions practiced by the authorities against Ashura rituals, considering this "a blatant violation against rituals and freedoms".
Ayatollah Qassim: Closing Hamad Town Mosques Seditious, Warfare against Ahl Al-Bayt Thoughts
Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the spiritual leader of Shia majority in Bahrain, condemned the decision to close Shiite mosques in Hamad town, considering it a seditious step that aims at fighting the thoughts of Ahl Al-Bayt.
The 21-Minute Virus
Only 20 minutes is the time allowed for Husseini obsequies (religious congregation halls) to broadcast live their mourning ceremony during Ashura this year. After the 20-minute mark, these obsequies will be considered to be violating the law, and the authorities will shut them down for 3 years, fining them 10,000 dinars.
Ayatollah Qassim Calls for Commemorating Ashura away from Political Tensions
The spiritual leader of Shia majority in Bahrain, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, called for commemorating Ashura away from political tensions, stressing the need that the commemoration be held "outside the scope of harm" while adhering to preventive measures.
In Televised Speech on Ashura Occasion: Al-Daihi Stresses on Patience until Achieving Demands, Calls for Commemorating Ashura under Health Restrictions
Al-Wefaq deputy Secretary-General, Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi, stressed what he dubbed "Strategic Patience" in order to achieve demands, confirming that "the people of Bahrain are a school for positive patience associated with work throughout their political history, and their movement will end with victory and achieving the great goals they are seeking."
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Decide to Allow Ashura Commemoration, Bahrain Chooses Conflict
A medical source expects the number of Coronavirus cases in Bahrain to jump to 600 a day during Ashura, even with the closure of obsequies, as religious commemorations are expected to be held in secret, which will prevent direct tracking.
Situation after Endowments Directorate Meeting: Either Opening Obsequies for Ashura Commemoration under Health Requirements or Popular Commemoration in Houses, Farms without Restrictions
Jaffari Endowments Board Chairman Yusef bin Saleh Al-Saleh held a remote meeting with representatives of the obsequies and Husseiniyas (religious congregational halls), in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Interior, representatives of the four governorates, the Ministry of Health and members of the National Taskforce for Combating COVID-19.
Al-Wefaq Deputy S-G to Authorities: Stop Targeting Husseini Rituals
Deputy Secretary-General of the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi said that lovers and Shiites of Imam Al-Hussein will commemorate his martyrdom in all available means. "You will never stop them," he addressed the authorities.
Ayatollah Qassim Calls for Opening Obsequies under Same Conditions Other Places were Opened
Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the spiritual leader of the Shiite majority in Bahrain, called for opening the obsequies under the same conditions other places were opened.
Editorial: Why do You Want Ashura Commemoration to be an Issue of Conflict?
Questions that need to be answered: Why is this incomprehensible insistence on preventing religious activities? Why is there this serious threat to the administrators of obsequies and Husseiniyas? Why is the media being used to incite as well as underestimate people's religious dignity? W
Ayatollah Qassim: Prevention of Ashura Commemoration is War against Imam Al-Hussein
Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the highest religious authority in Bahrain, described the authorities' prevention of Ashura commemoration in Bahrain as a war against Imam Al-Hussein (PBUH).
Details from Interior Ministry Campaign to Prevent Re-Opening of Husseiniyas in Muharram
The Bahraini Interior Ministry is launching two campaigns against the return of religious rituals that Bahraini Shiites commemorate in the Month of Muharram every year. The first is a campaign of summonses to pressure and cause direct threat and the second is a media campaign via local media outlets.
Bahrain's Senior Scholars: 2020 Ashura Commemoration would Held be in Accordance with Health Precautions
Bahrain's senior religious scholars issued a statement saying that the return of Husseiniyas (religious congregation halls) and Ashura commemoration rituals would happen this year in accordance with strict health regulations and precautions.
8 People Including Cleric Arrested for Participating in Ashura Ceremonies: Al-Wefaq
Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said on its Twitter page on Wednesday (September 25, 2019) that the security authorities arrested 6 citizens for their commemoration of the Hussaini religious rituals during the Ashura season.
Ayatollah Qassim Said Bahraini Gov't Summoning Preachers in Ashura "Advocates Yazid"
The spiritual leader of the Shiite majority, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, attacked the Government of Bahrain after summoning and interrogating dozens of Hussaini preachers and eulogy reciters after discussing "Yazid's wicked biography" describing these actions as an "advocacy of Yazid and acceptance of the slaughter of Hussain".
Ashura in Bahrain under Threat
Ashura in Bahrain is no longer a peaceful spiritual season during which the Shiite majority freely practice their religious rituals as they used to hundreds of years ago. They now practice these rituals under the authority of threats and intimidation after the Bahraini authorities took Ashura season as an opportunity to further harass, provoke and target the Shiite community in Bahrain.
Editorial: Ashura Isn�t Just a Black Cloth
Ashura is not just a black cloth or merely a story, memory or tear. Under all this blackness, there is an idea, and ideas cannot be killed by bullets, nor extracted in interrogation, torture and detention chambers.
Al-Wefaq Official Says Regime's Crackdown on Clerics & Ashura Manifestations Not Less Heinous than Crimes Committed by Iraq Tyrant
Al-Wefaq Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi described the Bahraini regime's targeting of clerics and eulogy reciters as well as the crackdown on Ashura manifestations as a crime not less heinous than that committed by the "tyrant of Iraq" (late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein).