� Bahrain Free Labour Unions Federation
After Withdrawal of 4 Unions, �Gongo� Union to Disunite
The �Gongo� union that seceded from the General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain (GFWTUB) is to disunite after withdrawal of four unions affiliated with it.
Judiciary Refuses to Name "Free Union" Official Representative of Bahrain
Bahrain Court rejected request by Bahrain Free Labour Unions Federation to name Union as Bahrain's official representative...
ITUC Rep. Slams �Bahrain Free Labour Unions Federation�: ITUC Will Never affiliate Government-orchestrated Trade Union
Jeroen Beirnaert, the ITUC representative, said in a speech that the confederation is �following with great concern the creation by and the support for the Bahrain Labour Union Free Federation by the government,� adding that the ITUC will never affiliate a government-orchestrated trade union.