Local Newspaper: Authorities Block Diraz Entrance Facing Barbar, Opens the One Facing Al-Markh
The Al-Wasat newspaper said that the security forces blocked on Thursday (March 30, 2017) Diraz entrance facing Barbar village and allowed the entrance of students and teachers only, noting that this entrances is one of the two through which residents are allowed to reach Diraz.
Martyr Mostafa Hamdan�s Mother Addresses Diraz protestors: I See a Thousand Mostafa in You, We Will Grow Stronger
Martyr Mostafa Hamdan�s mother assured the protestors at the open ended Diraz sit-in that they are following the footsteps of Hamdan.
Editorial: The Sweetness of Mustafa Hamdan�s Mother
It is indeed the year of mothers in Bahrain. On the day of his funeral, Mustafa Hamdan�s mother showed the world the sweet side of martyrdom.
Photos: Mourning Procession Held for Martyr Mostafa Hamdan in Diraz Protest Square
Protestors outside Sheikh Isa Qassim�s house held a mourning procession for the martyr Mostafa Hamdan who was martyred as a result of gunshot injury he sustained when the security forces attacked protestors in Diraz.
AFP: Bahraini, 18, Dies after Attack on Cleric's Home
An 18-year-old Bahraini died Friday, nearly two months after he was shot in the head near a top opposition cleric's home, Amnesty International said.
Reuters: Young Bahraini Dies after Being Shot Outside Shiite Leader�s House
A young Bahraini man died in hospital on Friday, nearly two months after he was shot in the head by gunmen in civilian clothes outside the home of the country's top Shi'ite Muslim cleric, activists and a local newspaper said.
Angry Protests Break Out after Announcement of Mostafa Hamdan�s Martyrdom
The streets of Bahrain witnessed on Friday (March 24, 2017) vast protests after the announcement of martyrdom of Mustafa Hamdan (18 years old), due to a bullet fired at his head after regime forces attacked the Diraz sit-in last January.
Injured Mostafa Hamdan Passes Away
Youth Mostafa Hamdan (17 years) who was injured in Diraz martyred today (March 24, 2017) after spending about two months in the hospital due to a gunshot he sustained, after forces affiliated to security forces opened fire at protesters outside Sheikh Isa Qassim�s house in Diraz on January 26, 2017.
A Night in Diraz
It is the weekend, the time when everyone looks for a breather to change their mood. Contrary to that, we are looking for a way out into a choked place, besieged day after day.
Court Upholds 10&7-Year Jail Term against 2 Defendants over Assembling in Diraz
Bahrain's Supreme Court upheld 7-year jail term against a suspect and 10-year jail term against another one over assembling in Diraz.
Photos: Sufferings of Diraz Residents Continue...Daily Heavy Traffics due to Months-Long Siege
Daily sufferings of Diraz residents continue due to the siege imposed by the security authorities since June 2016.
Health Status of Injured Diraz Protester Mostafa Hamdan Enters �Very Critical� Stage
Bahrain Mirror (exclusive): Information reported that the health status of injured Bahraini Mostafa Hamdan (18 years old) entered a very critical stage, and it might be fatal if his heart status continued to decline.
Court Hands down Mulla Hani Besira 6-month Jail Term, Sets 100 BD Bail to Stop Execution of Sentence
The third minor criminal court presided over by judge Jaber Al-Jazzar and Hussein Yousif as a secretariat handed down Mulla Hani Besira 6-month jail term over assembling in Diraz.
6-Month Prison Verdict Against Dr. Taha Al-Dirazi over Diraz Protest
A Bahraini court ruled Thursday (February 9, 2017) the imprisonment of medical doctor, Taha Al-Dirazi, for 6 months, over participating in Diraz protest.
UK FCO Human Rights Priority Report on Bahrain Emphasizes Need to Respect Rights of All Citizens
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued an update to its report on the Bahrain situation, which included the period between July and December 2016.
Mostafa Hamdan�s Health Deteriorates due to Medical Negligence in Al-Salmaniya, Patient under Police Guard
Information revealed that Mostafa Hamdan�s health has deteriorated due to not receiving adequate health care in Al-Salmaniya Medical Complex, despite his critical head wound.
PHOTOS: Despite Record-Low Temperature, Protesters Endure Diraz Sit-in
Despite the record-low temperature recorded in Bahrain (7 �C) on the dawn of Friday (February 3, 2017), protesters continued their demonstration outside the house of religious leader, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.
Authorities Release Prominent Cleric after Spending 6 Months in Prison over Diraz Protest
The Bahraini authorities released on Friday (February 3, 2017) Sheikh Mohammad Al-Shahabi after spending 6 months in prison over taking part in Diraz protest held against the decision that revoked the citizenship of the highest religious leader, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.
Mostafa Hamdan�s Wounds Raise Questions
A deafening silence takes over the world regarding the atrocities taking place in Bahrain, including the brutal injuries of the Bahraini youth Mostafa Hamdan.
Safaa Al-Khawaja: NIHR Provides Services to Authorities not Linked to its Core Job
Bahrain Center for Human Rights member Safaa Al-Khawaja said that the National Institute for Human Rights (NIHR) started to provide services to the authorities that are not linked to its job as human rights institution.