Education Ministry Opens Registration Doors for 2012 Born Citizens in 3 Batches
Primary Education Directorate at Education Ministry said that the registration of new students born in November 2012 will be according to the following distribution, July 23, for children born from November 1-10 2012, and July 24-25 for those born from 21 to the end of November 2012, at the ministry�s headquarter, from 8:30 am to 1 pm.
Education Ministry Calls on Students to Ascertain of Accredited Overseas Universities
The Education Ministry called on students wishing to pursue their higher education at overseas universities to contact the ministry�s Foreign Certificates Accreditation Department before subscription to avoid joining any non-accredited higher education institution and avert problems they may encounter after graduation because of the accreditation of their diplomas.
Bahrain Demolishes Club and School Opposite to One of King�s Palaces
The Bahraini authorities demolished on Wednesday (May 9, 2018) a sports club and school facing one of King Hamad bin Khalifa�s palaces.
Number of Female Students in Higher Education Institutions Exceeds that of Males
Education Minister Majid Al-Nuaimi said that female students represent 59% of the students in the institutions of higher education.
Education Ministry Withdraws English Textbook that Included �Persian Gulf� Term
Director of Public Relations and Media Fawaz Al-Shurouqi said that the ministry had contracted with an overseas establishment to print English textbooks for third graders. The competent parties in the ministry delivered the material for the work, including a map of the Arabian Gulf, and the textbooks were printed. However, at the time of distributing them, it was discovered that the Arabian Gulf map was replaced with another map that named the Arabian Gulf as the "Persian Gulf," he said
Reuters: Bahrain Orders 17,000 School Textbooks Reprinted over 'Persian Gulf' Gaffe
Bahrain has ordered 17,000 English school textbooks reprinted for labelling the body of water surrounding the Arab island kingdom as the �Persian Gulf�, a political taboo, state news agency BNA reported on Monday.
Education Ministry Says It Won 26 Cases Brought against it since September 2017
Ministry of Education said that it won 26 cases brought against it in the Bahraini courts since September 2017 until January 2018.
Khalifa bin Salman Appoints Directors in Education Ministry
Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict 39/2017 appointing directors in the Ministry of Education.
NAO: Education Ministry Spending Exceeded Approved Expenses by 7.4 Million BD
National Audit Office report for the years 2016-2017 made several remarks regarding the Ministry of Education, stating that its actual spending exceeds the ministry�s approved expenditure budget for 2016 by 7,414,708 million BD.
Ministry of Education Says It Didn�t Send Students to China
Commenting on equalizing certificates of medicine graduates from Chinese universities, the ministry of education said that �the ministry hasn�t ever sent any student to study medicine in China.
Bapco Offers 24 Engineering Scholarships Inside Bahrain & Abroad
The Ministry of Education announced that the Bahraini oil company �Bapco� provided 24 scholarships for inside Bahrain and outside, for engineering studies in various specialties.
Royal Decree Appointing Undersecretary, Assistant Undersecretaries in Education Ministry
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Decree 44/2017 appointing undersecretary, assistant undersecretaries in the Ministry of Education.
Father of Post-Grievance Honor�s Student, an Official in Quality Assurance Authority
It has been reported that the father of primary student, whose grades were changed to become the first on the honor�s list, is the daughter of an official in the quality assurance authority, which monitors the MoE, and its affiliated schools.
Education Ministry: Change in Intermediate Education Certificate Honor List Came after Mistake in Grades
The Public Relations and Media Directorate at the Ministry of Education has announced a slight change in the honour list of top achievers in the Intermediate Education Certificate. It added that the mistake was monitored after reviewing the exam papers.
MoE Replaces First Place Student in Primary Schools after Grievance, Despite Ending Right to Grievances in 2017
Teachers were surprised by the decision of the Ministry of Education to replace and change results of the first place on the honor's list of Bahrain�s primary schools.
Education Ministry Suspends Intermediate, Secondary Classes in Al-Majd Private School for �Not Rectifying Violations�
Education Minister Majid Al-Nuaimi relied on the recommendations raised by Acting Undersecretary for Education and Curriculum Fawzi Al-Jowder regarding the situation of Al-Majd Private School that was violating rules stipulated by the government.
Bahrain Commission to Refuse Accrediting Decrees of Students who Accept �Foreign Scholarships� without Consent of Competent Parties
Summary: Fawzi Al-Jowder said that the commission will not accept the equivalences of students' qualifications who studied abroad through foreign embassies� scholarships, in case these scholarships were not received through the ministry of Foreign Affairs and approval of Ministry of Education, according to the circular recently issued by the Prime Minister.
Ministry of Education Dismisses Teacher for Beating Student
Investigation committee in the ministry of education recommended dismissing a teacher after beating a student using a mobile.
Ministry of Education Denies Halt of Bonuses for Teachers
Ministry of Education denied the issuance of any decision or circular about the halt of bonuses for teachers in some public schools and that granting of bonuses is subjected to the standards of civil service, laws and rules.
Ministry of Education Says It will not Impose Educational Fees on Non-Bahraini Students in Governmental Schools
Ministry of Education said it will not impose any educational fees on non-Bahraini students in governmental schools, in line with the Kingdom's policy to provide education for citizens and residents.