Regime Forces Attack Symbolic Funeral Procession Held for 5 Secretly Buried Martyrs
The regime forces attacked symbolic funeral procession held for the 5 Diraz martyrs, who were killed by the Ministry of Interior during a deadly attack on protestors in Diraz, before it buried their bodies in a secret way on Friday.
Clashes Erupt in Nuwaidrat after Consolation Ceremonies over Martyr Abdullah Al Ajouz End
Protesters in the town of Nuwaidrat, south east of the capital Manama, clashed on Friday with Bahraini regime forces, after an angry rally across the areas, organized with the end of consolation ceremonies over martyr Abdullah Al Ajouz.
Bahrain: Forces Disperse Protests Trying to Reach Pearl Roundabout in �Bloody Thursday� Commemoration
Bahraini regime forces used force on Friday (February 17, 2017) to disperse protesters who tried to reach Pearl (Lualua) Roundabout; the cradle of popular uprising witnessed in the country in February 2011.
Clashes in Bahrain Amid Protests Denouncing �Deliberate Killing� of Al Ghisra and his Companions
Angry protesters clashes in different areas in Bahrain with regime forces, after rallies denouncing the crime of deliberately shooting and killing the three martyrs, Rida Al Ghisra (29 years old), Mahmoud Yahya (22 years old), and Mostafa Yousef (35 years old).
Raid Campaign since Monday Dawn Leads to Arrest of about 18 Citizens from Bani Jamra
The Bahraini regime forces have been launching wide raid campaign in Bani Jamra village since the dawn of Monday (January 2, 2017) that led to the arrest of about 18 citizens.
Clashes Erupt in Bahrain after Regime Forces Take down Ashura Banners
Regime forces clashed with protesters in Bahrain, after removing Ashura signs and banners, which were in display in various areas across country.