14 British MPs Call on their Gov't to Reconsider Relations with Bahrain, Urge Bahraini Authorities to Release Opposition Leaders
14 MPs in the UK Parliament sent an urgent letter to Britain's foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, urging him to pressure on the Bahraini government to release political prisoners.
The Independent: UK Home Secretary under Fire over Tour of Bahrain Police Station where HR Activists were Tortured
British Home Secretary Priti Patel was criticized after visiting a police station in Bahrain where human rights activists were tortured.
HR Activists and Organizations Call on UK Government to Support Al-Wadaei and his Family
NGO representatives, lawyers and a cross-party group of parliamentarians called on the British government to act in defence of the UK-based human rights activist.
UK Parliamentarians Demand Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt to Urgently Interfere to Help Haji and Fateel
The British Morning Star newspaper stated that tWO British parliamentarians have written to Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt demanding his "urgent intervention" to help political prisoners on hunger strike in Bahrain.
2018: Ali Mushaima Launches 46-Day Hunger Strike outside Bahrain Embassy in London
Ali Mushaima, son of prominent opposition leader Hasan Mushaima, launched a hunger strike for 46 days and slept on the ground in front of the Bahraini Embassy in London.
PEN to Protest outside FCO Thursday in Solidarity with Nabeel Rajab, Coinciding with his Trial Hearing
The �ENGLISH PEN� association called on supporters to join in its protest organized outside the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office to express solidarity with human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, and urge the British government to defend him.