NAO: Justice Ministry Exceeded its Budget by 1 Million and 100,000 BD
National Audit Office report for the years 2016-2017 said that the Ministry of Justice paid extra working hours for some of its employees on a monthly basis without taking into consideration if they�re needed or not.
Justice Ministry: Family Courts will Start Sitting Officially on Sept. 10
The family courts will start sitting officially on September 10, 2017, said the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments.
Ministry of Justice Prepares Law for Preachers and Imams of Mosques
The Under Secretary of the Bahraini Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, Fareed Al-Muftah, said in a statement to the Al-Ayam local newspaper that he is currently studying a law for preachers and Imams of mosques.
Former Wa�ad SG Released after Interrogations
The Bahraini authorities released today Thursday (April 20, 2017) former Secretary General of the National Democratic Action Society (Wa�ad) after interrogating him.
Ministry of Justice Starts Studying Proposed Unified Family Law
Khalid bin Al Khalifa, Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment, said that the ministry stated that the ministry has begun studying the proposal submitted by the Shura Council to the Cabinet to issue a unified family law in the light of studies based on realistic issues and actual needs and in consultation with the Supreme Judicial Council.
Index on Censorship: Wa�ad Calls for Solidarity against its Dissolution
Index on Censorship said in an article it published on its website the Farida Ghulam, the wife of Ebrahim Sharif, the former secretary-general of Bahraini opposition group National Democratic Action Society (Wa�ad), has written an open letter to political and human rights institutions worldwide calling for solidarity against the dissolution of Wa�ad.
AFP: Bahrain Charges Opposition Figure with �Inciting Hatred�
Bahraini liberal opposition figure Ibrahim Sharif was charged on Monday with "inciting hatred" against the regime with his tweets, a human rights group said.
March 20 Set for First Hearing in Justice Ministry Lawsuit to Dissolve �Wa�ad� Society
Bahraini daily newspaper al-Wasat reported that the major administrative court said it scheduled next March 20 date for first hearing on dissolving the National Democratic Action Society �Wa�ad�.
Commenting on Ministry of Justice Lawsuit, Radhi Al-Mosawi to Reuters: "This is Another step to Undermine Political Work"
Bahrain's justice ministry took steps on Monday to dissolve a major opposition group it accuses of supporting terrorism, state news agency BNA reported, filing a lawsuit the group said was an attempt by the government to stamp out dissent.
AFP: Bahrain Seeks Dissolution of Secular Opposition Party
Bahrain's justice ministry said Monday it filed a lawsuit to dissolve a secular opposition party, the state-run news agency said, months after the country's main Shiite opposition party was banned.
In Response to Authorities� Move: Wa�ad Members Say National Opposition Engraved in Nation�s Memory
Prominent members of the National Democratic Action Society (Wa�ad), confirmed that the Ministry of Justice demand to dissolve the society stands evidence that Wa�ad has always been honest with its supporters, and that it never compromised the rights of its people.
Ministry of Justice Demands to Dissolve Wa�ad, Accuses it of �Promoting Forceful Overthrow of Political Regime�
The Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments announced on Monday (March 6, 2017) that it has filed a lawsuit demanding to dissolve the National Democratic Action Society (Wa�ad) and accused it of �promoting forceful overthrow of political regime�.
AP: Bahrain Files Lawsuit to Dissolve Secular Political Party
Bahrain's government filed a lawsuit Monday to dissolve a secular political party, the second-such organization it has targeted in the last year as part of an intense crackdown on opposition in the island nation.
Reuters: Bahrain Justice Ministry Seeks to Dissolve Opposition Group
Bahrain's justice ministry filed a lawsuit on Monday seeking to dissolve a main opposition group on the grounds that it undermined security, state news agency BNA reported.
Justice Ministry to Adopt Measures Against Remaining Opposition Societies
The Ministry of Justice said that the political societies that almost entirely devoid of all elements of legitimate political work, which threatens action against the remaining opposition societies, after the dissolution of Al-Wefaq Society.
Justice Undersecretary Says State Ought to Verify Religious Resources, Including Khums
Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Undersecretary Dr. Fareed Al-Miftah stressed that the statements issued by so-called Bahraini Ulama (clerics), are inconsistent with the national course and of no value, Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported.
Local Newspaper: Labor Ministry Suddenly Terminates Training Program of 20 University Staff
Local Bahraini newspaper al-Wasat said that some university staff members of the unemployed �list 1912� entitled �Empowerment List�, received a sudden notice from the Ministry of Labor informing them that their training period is terminated.
Committee on Stalled Projects Sets Dec. 20 Date for �Juffair Fairuz� Auction Sale
The judiciary-affiliated committee responsible for the settlement of stalled real estate development projects, convened with the creditors of �Juffair Fairuz� project in preparation for selling the project in auction.
Ministry of Justice Considers Wa�ad Visit to Ashura Gatherings in Violation to Associations Law
Yousif Al-Khaja said that the society received a notice from the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs stating that the society has violated the political association�s law over its members� visit to Ashura gatherings.