Two Iraqi Police Commanders, Four Others Killed in Militant Attack
Six police officers including two senior commanders were killed in northern Iraq on Tuesday when Islamic State militants opened fire on them during a reconnaissance mission, security sources said.
Iraqi Army Moves to Secure Planned Oil Route to Iran
Iraqi forces launched a security operation along a planned oil transit route to Iran on Wednesday, saying it was clearing and �destroying sleeper cells� in the mountainous border area where two armed groups operate.
Iraq Forces Say ISIS Retreating Deep into Desert
Iraqi forces said Friday that Islamic State group fighters are withdrawing deep into the desert to escape an offensive aimed at a final defeat of the jihadists.
Iraq Launches Operation to Clear Desert Near Syria of Islamic State
Iraqi forces launched an operation on Thursday to clear the desert bordering Syria of Islamic State in a final push to rid Iraq of the militant group, the military said.
Iraqi Forces to Fight ISIS in Syria Border Town
An Iraqi Shi�ite militia fighting Islamic State in Iraq near the border with Syria will also take on the jihadist group in the Syria border town of Albu Kamal, the militia�s spokesman was quoted as saying on Friday.
Iraqi Forces Capture Akkas Gas Field from Islamic State
Iraqi forces captured the Akkas gas field from Islamic State on Thursday, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi told reporters in Baghdad.
Iraq Orders Truce with Kurds to Allow Peaceful Deployment at Border Crossings
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered a 24-hour suspension to military operations against Kurdish forces in northern Iraq, to allow for the peaceful deployment of Iraqi troops at the border crossings with the Kurdistan region.
Iraqi Forces Complete Kirkuk Province Takeover after Clashes with Kurds
Iraqi forces on Friday took control of the last district in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk still in the hands of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters following a three-hour battle, security sources said.
Iraqi Forces Complete Kirkuk Province Takeover after Clashes with Kurds
Iraqi forces on Friday took control of the last district in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk still in the hands of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters following a three-hour battle, security sources said.
Iraq Forces Take Oil Fields, Dashing Kurdish Dreams
Iraqi forces Wednesday appeared poised to take full control of the oil fields in the disputed northern province of Kirkuk, dashing Kurdish hopes of creating a viable independent state.
Iraqi Forces Retake Positions from Kurds in Kirkuk
Iraqi forces Friday retook positions controlled by Kurdish peshmerga fighters since 2014 in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk amid a bitter row with the Kurds over a vote for independence last month.
Iraqi Forces Launch Assault for Last ISIS Bastions Bordering Syria
Iraqi security forces and paramilitary units have launched a dawn assault against one of Daesh�s last bastions in the vast western province of Anbar bordering Syria.
Iraqi Forces Capture Area on Syria Border from Islamic State
Iraqi armed forces on Saturday dislodged Islamic State from a natural gas-rich border area with Syria, according to the military.
Iraqi Forces Begin House-by-House Fight for Last IS Holdout at Tal Afar
Hundreds of additional troops were sent into al-�Ayadiya on Wednesday, as Iraqi forces came under increasing pressure to clear Islamic State fighters from their final position in the group�s former stronghold of Tal Afar, military officials said.
Iraqi forces make gains in Islamic State stronghold of Tal Afar
Iraqi forces made fresh gains on Wednesday in an offensive to dislodge Islamic State from the city of Tal Afar, a militant stronghold in the northwest of the country, the military said.
Iraqi Forces Prepare to Retake Tal Afar from Islamic State Militants
Five weeks after securing victory in Mosul, Iraqi forces have moved into positions around the city of Tal Afar, their next objective in the U.S.-backed campaign to defeat Islamic State militants, Iraqi military commanders say.
Bahrain, KSA, UAE Congratulate Iraq on Mosul Liberation
Bahraini Foreign Ministry congratulated in a statement the Iraqi government and people over the liberation of Mosul, after it was under the control of ISIS.
Iraqi military: Victory over Islamic State in Mosul Imminent as Insurgents Lines Collapse
Iraqi security forces expect to take full control of Mosul in the coming hours as Islamic State's defensive lines collapse in its former de facto capital in Iraq, state television reported on Saturday.
Iraqi Forces Seize More Ground in Mosul from Islamic State, PM Sees Victory Soon
Iraqi forces on Tuesday pushed towards the river side of Mosul's Old City, their key target in the eight-month campaign to capture Islamic State's de-facto capital, and Iraq's prime minister predicted victory very soon.
Iraqi Forces Storm Islamic State-Held Old City of Mosul
Iraqi forces began storming the Islamic State-held Old City of Mosul on Sunday, in an assault they hope will be the last in the eight-month-old campaign to seize the militants' stronghold.