Huff. Post Quotes Bahrain Mirror Timeline: Bahrain, The Unspoken Revolution that will Shake Gulf Monarchies
The Huffington Post published (Sunday January 8, 2017) an article entitled �Bahrain, The Unspoken Revolution that will Shake Gulf Monarchies�, with reference on the geopolitical status of Bahrain and its revolution.
2016: US Journalists Arrested on February 14 Anniversary, Charged with �Illegal Assembly� (Timeline)
The independent American journalist Anna Therese Day and three members of her camera crew were arrested, while covering protests marking fifth anniversary of the Bahraini February 14 uprising.
2016: UK-Bahraini Relations, First British Naval Base in the Gulf since 1967 (Timeline)
British Prince Charles opened in November 2016 first UK military base in Bahrain since 1967, amid criticism against the support the Bahraini regime receives from the British government
2016: US-Bahraini Relations, F-16 Sales Halted (Timeline)
US halt of arms deal with Bahrain, due to Manama�s deteriorating human rights record, was the highlight of foreign events that came in line with internal Bahraini affairs in 2016.
2016: Nabeel Rajab Rearrested, Faced New Charges over NYT and Le Monde Articles (Timeline)
Less than a year after a royal pardon was issued in favor of prominent Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab, the Bahraini authorities re-arrested him on June 13, 2016.
2016: Bassiouni, US State Department Deny Bahraini Claims of Implementing BICI Recommendations (Timeline)
The year 2016 witnessed an interesting development on the level of implementing the recommendations of Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), led by Professor Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni in 2011.
2016: Ebrahim Sharif is Free but �Addicted to Prison� (Timeline)
Ebrahim Sharif spent one full year in prison before he was released on (July 11, 2016). He then returned to his political and media activism where his opinions on his own Twitter account were a source of nuisance to the regime.
2016: Bahrain-UN Dispute (Timeline)
The year 2016 witnessed an unprecedented escalation of tensions caused by Bahrain against United Nations institutions concerned with human rights issues, including insults directed at UN officials such as Prince Zeid bin Ra�ad Zeid Al-Hussein.
2016: Bahrain Dissolves Al-Wefaq Society, John Kerry Says Move Undermines Region�s Security (Timeline)
On the 14th of June 2016, the Bahraini authorities shut down the headquarters of the main opposition group in the country, Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, without any prior warning.
2016: Diraz Conflict: An Open-Ended Protest, An Open-Ended Siege (Timeline)
For over half a year, since June 20, 2016, security authorities overpowered a full siege on the Bahraini town of Diraz, home to the prominent Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.