HRW Researcher: Bahrain Continues to Arrest Children for Their Solidarity with Palestine
Niku Jafarnia, a researcher in the Middle East and Africa division at Human Rights Watch, confirmed that Bahrain continues to violate human rights, especially those of children.
Ibtisam Al-Saegh and Najah Yousif Break Silence in Bahrain: BBC Arabic
Najah Yousif, a Bahraini woman, told the BCC Arabic that she was tortured and raped in a security complex after protesting against Formula One in 2017. Another woman confirmed that she faced similar abuses in the same complex few weeks later. Bahrain Mirror publishes a summary on "Breaking the Silence in Bahrain" film.
Learn about Reality of Situation in Bahrain with Human Rights Forum Numbers
In a press conference held in Beirut, the president of the Bahrain Human Rights Forum, Baqir Darwish, presented the annual report of the Forum for 2018 with a number of documented figures on the forms of violations practiced against Bahrainis.
"Torture, the Master of Evidence" in Bahrain: 791 Documented Torture Cases as Regime Perpetuates Impunity Policy
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights launched its annual report for year 2018, entitled "Torture, the Master of Evidence" at a press conference held today in the Lebanese capital Beirut.
HRW: Exiled Prominent Bahraini Activist�s Family Targeted
Bahraini authorities are apparently targeting the family members of prominent Bahraini activist in retribution for his human rights work, said Human Rights Watch.