Will Bahrainis Lose Free Healthcare? Questions before the Impending Catastrophe
The Bahraini health insurance law and the launch of the health card project will take place in 2024. This project; however, may be the worst to ever happen.
Is Dr. Jalila Actually the Health Minister?
Does it really mean much that Dr. Jalila Sayed Jawad is now the Minister of Health? Will she really be given the freedom to implement her vision and correct the imbalances in medical services and care for Bahraini cadres?
With Dr. Kassim Omran: from "Arab Board" to "Saudi Board", Calamity of Bahraini Doctors after 2011 (1)
Dr. Kassim Omran, who currently resides in the United States, considers the non-involvement of the newly graduated Bahraini doctors in specialty training a fatal blow, or at a minimum, very harmful to their career.
Health Insurance Costs BD 3 Million
Chairman of Supreme Council of Health Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said that two cooperation agreements have been signed between the Supreme Council of Health and two companies to implement the health insurance project.
Supreme Council of Health Says It will Start Employing Doctors in Mid-August
The Supreme Council of Health revealed that details of training Bahraini doctors program will be announced in the mid of August.
Bahrain: Health Insurance will be Imposed on Visitors
Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Health, stated that the health insurance which was the subject of a recent legislation will also cover visitors to the country. Visitors will have to pay the subscription fee for the mandatory health insurance for themselves, in addition to their dependents, and will benefit from the offered health packages during their stay.
Bahrain Cooperates with South Korea to Implement Health Insurance Program
President of the Supreme Council for Health Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa expressed his satisfaction regarding the cooperation level between Bahrain and South Korea Bahrain�s in implementing the national insurance health program.
House of Representatives Passes First Health Insurance Law
The House of Representatives agreed (Tuesday, April 17, 2018) on a health insurance bill and referred it to the Shura Council before presenting it to the King to ratify it.
12% Annual Increase in Health Services Cost
Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, President of Bahrain Supreme Council of Health, said that the rate of increase in the cost of health services range from 10-12% per year.
Services Committee Approves Health Insurance Bill that Imposes Fees on Treatment
The services committee in the House of Representatives confirmed that it approved health insurance bill that suggests imposing fees on Bahrainis to receive treatment.
New Committee Established to Employ Graduate Doctors
The Supreme Council of Health announced establishing a new committee formed of all health sectors in Bahrain to follow training and employing graduate doctors in public and private sectors.