Detention of Justice Ministry Employee and Lawyer Sister over Bribery Case Continues
The minor criminal court decided to renew the detention of an employee in the ministry of justice and his sister (a lawyer) for 15 days pending investigations over case of receiving sums of money for the release of a convicted person in a fraud case.
Appeals Court Abolishes 3-Year Jail Term against Suspect Accused of Assembling, Returns Case to First-Instance Court
5 years after being convicted of assembling and burning tires on public street in Al-Juffair in 2014 and after being sentenced to 3 years in jail. The defendant appealed the verdict but he wasn't informed about the hearings and didn't attend them, thus the verdict was voided. Therefore, the high appeal criminal court abolished the ruling and decided to refer the case back to the original court to re-issue the verdict.
3-Year Suspended Jail Term Handed down to Former Minister over Financial Case
The First Minor Criminal Court sentenced a former minister to 3 years in jail over charge of issuing 50 thousand BD cheque without balance and set 1000 BD bail to suspend the sentence.
Court Upholds Life Term Sentences against Two Defendants in Political Case
The High Appeals Court upheld life term sentences against two suspects in a political case and fined them 500 BD.
Court Upholds 5-Year Jail Term against Defendant Accused of Assembling in Abu Saiba
The First High Criminal Appeals Court upheld prison verdict against an appellant out of 13 suspects over assembling case in Abu Saiba.
Court Orders Former MP Ahmad Qarata to Pay 110,000 BD to Gasoline Station
The High Civilian Court ordered former MP Ahmad Qarata to pay 110,000 BD for a company that owns a gasoline station; the costs of gasoline a transportation company owned by Qarata received over two years and didn't pay for. It also ordered him to pay 2% delay interest from the date of filing the lawsuit until he pays the total sum as well as the attorney's fees.
Court Upholds 3&10-Year Jail Term against 5 Suspects Accused of Detonating Gas Cylinder Near National Bank of Bahrain
The High Appeals Criminal Court upheld 3 and 10-year jail term against 5 suspects accused, along with a sixth suspect, of blasting a gas cylinder in front of National Bank of Bahrain in Sitra in January 2017. All the suspects, expect the fifth, appealed the verdict.
Court Rejects Appeals of Suspect Sentenced to 5 Years in Jail in Politically Motivated Case
The High Criminal Appeals Court rejected the appeal of a Bahrain sentenced to 5 years in jail in a political case.
Administrative Court Upholds Dismissal of Former Chief Executive of Chamber of Commerce
The High Administrative Court rejected lawsuit of the former chief executive of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in which he called for abolishing the decision of the Board of directors to remove him and the subsequent effects of the decision, explaining in his claim that he was the executive chief of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce under a contract signed in 26/12/2016.
Court Upholds 7-Year Jail Term against Defendant Accused of Beating Youth Claiming He is Informant
The High Appeals Criminal Court upheld 7-year jail term against Bahraini convicted, along with 3 others, of kidnapping a youth, beating him in Dar Kulaib farm and forcing him to confess in front of a video camera that he is an informant and posting the video on website of "Bahraini uprising intelligence".
Court Upholds 7-Year Jail Term against Defendant, Revokes his Citizenship over Assembling in Karzakan
The First High Criminal Appeals Court upheld the 7-year-jail verdict issued against a defendant accused of assembling and hurling Molotov cocktails and revoked his citizenship.
Appeal Court: 3 Acquittals of "Money Laundering" Charges, Each Fined 500 Dinars for Collecting Funds without License
The Bahraini High Court of Appeal upheld the acquittal of three defendants accused of laundering money obtained from crimes, while each defendant was fined 500 dinars for collecting funds without a license and sending them to a private institution in Tanzania, which was arranged by the third defendant residing in Iran.
Court Upholds 3-Year Jail Term against Suspect Accused of Assembling in Al-Nuaim
The Fifth High Criminal Appeals Court objected the appeals of a suspect out of 3 accused of assembling and upheld the 3-year jail term against him.
Life Sentences and 15-Year Prison Terms Handed down to Defendants for �Forming Revolution Intelligence Agency�
The First High Criminal Appeal Court in Bahrain rejected the appeal of eight convicts in a case known as the �Secret Intelligence Agency of the Revolution in Bahrain (SIA)�.
Appeals Court Upholds 5-Year Jail Term against Suspect Accused of Burning Tires in Sheikh Jaber Al-Sabah Street
The First High Criminal Appeals Court rejected the appeals of a youth out of two accused of assembling and burning tires and upheld his 5-year jail verdict. Meanwhile, the second suspect appealed his ruling earlier which was also upheld.
Appeal Court Upholds Death Penalty Handed down to Asian Nationals in Another Murder Case
The High Court of Appeal upheld the death sentence issued against two Asian nationals convicted of killing another Bengali citizen and disposing of his body by placing it in a large bag and dumping it next to a garbage dump in Manama in April 2013, the case referred for a second time from the Court of Cassation.
Final Verdict Sentencing Al-Wefaq Former MP Sheikh Hasan Isa to 10 Years in Jail
The Cassation Court issued on Monday (February 25, 2019) a final verdict sentencing the former MP and prominent Al-Wefaq leader, Sheikh Hasan Sultan, to 10 years in jail over charge of funding a terrorist group claimed to be involved in Sitra blast that killed two policemen in 2015.
Appeals: Case of Two Death Convicts in Drug Case Adjourned until March 25 for Ruling
The High Appeals Court set March 25 as a date to issue its ruling in the appeals of two death convicts and 5 others accused of forming a cell to bring in narcotics in car tires after smuggling them through King Fahd Causeway.
Justice Ministry Employee and Lawyer Sister Received Bribes to Release Convicts, Refer them to Prosecution
The head of the General Directorate for Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security said that an employee at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments was arrested along with his sister (a lawyer) for receiving money as bribery in return for the former providing services in violation of his job duties.
Court Upholds 7-Year Jail Term against Suspect Accused of Attacking Police Patrol in Diraz
The First High Criminal Appeals Court issued 7-year jail term against one appellant out of 26 suspects accused of attacking police patrol in Diraz and ordered the confiscation of seized items.