How did Holders of Fraudulent University Degrees from Lahaye University Penetrate Bahraini Educational System?
The �Lahaye� International University has become a refuge for every failure and disappointed in Bahrain. Ambassadors, Parliamentarians, clerics and journalists rush to purchase �fake� educational qualifications from the alleged Dutch university.
Education Ministry Referred to Prosecution Students who Demanded Equalizing their Certificates: Official Statement
The Ministry of Education had informed the Public Prosecution over the past years and up to February 2018 about the attempts by some students to acquire academic qualifications without having met the graduation criteria and conditions, Advocate General Ahmed Al-Hammadi said.
Forged Degrees and Fake Qualifications: �LaHaye� University
Bahraini public opinion and social media sites are currently preoccupied with the issue of "forged degrees", since a considerable number of officials holding positions in both governmental and private agencies have been exposed to have obtained fake academic degrees from "fake" universities.
Your Excellency, Ebdaa Bank CEO Khalid Al-Ghazzawi: You Excelled in Forging your Diploma
Under the pressure he was exposed to, CEO of Ebdaa Bank had to admit that the PhD degree he received has nothing to do with an actual doctorate; however, he continued to go on about the diploma and the university that granted him this high academic achievement.
Ebdaa Bank CEO Hired by Member of Al Khalifa Family, his Father�s Colleague of Bahrain King
CEO of Ebdaa Bank Jordanian Khalid Al-Ghazzawi�s makes miserable attempt to show that his employment was based on his competence in this field, and not on a forged doctorate or any other factors.
Bahraini FM Insults China in Presence of PM
After the dilemma of the Bahraini Ministry of Education not accrediting certificates granted by sophisticated Chinese universities, it was time for posing an insult to China and its people, describing them as �gamblers� who gamble and have �hidden gambling desires�.
Counselor Lulwa Budalamah: Your Instagram Convicts You
How can Lulwa Budalamah get away with all the interviews she has been conducting with the press, in which she had been presenting herself as a member of the fake Dutch university�s advisory council?
Bahraini Ambassador to Moscow�s Fake "PhD" Truly Tests Education Ministry�s Claims of Fighting against Forged Diplomas & Qualifications
There is no doubt that our ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Al-Saati, is worried these days. In Bahrain, a story is being circulated about the ambassador�s forging of his master's degree and Phd diploma by the means of two fraudulent universities.
Evidence: Bahraini Ambassador to Moscow Forged PhD via Int�l Pakistani Network
The Bahraini ambassador in Moscow, Al-Saati, went on to celebrate his so-called fake doctorate degree on the front pages of daily newspapers.
Public Prosecution Says It Received Last Notice Regarding Fake Degrees 5 Years Ago
Responding to press statements of Ministry of Education in which it stressed that it had referred the certificates' fakers to the Public Prosecution, the Prosecution said that it has not received any notifications regarding the issue of fake academic degrees.
BSE President: We Will Review Certificates of 2200 Members Registered in Society
President of Bahrain Society of Engineers Dheya Tawfiqi said that the society has put an urgent mechanism to study and review the university certificates and qualifications of about 2200 members registered in the society.
Bahrain: Prime Minister Directs to Carry out Investigations about Forged Certificates
Bahrain News Agency said that Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa called to investigate the information raised about forged certificates in Bahrain, where officials in his government are believed to be in involved in.