Story of Sharifa Siwar and Lyrica Pills Case
Sharifa Siwar (who holds a PhD in psychotherapy) doesn't have a lot to hide as she has revealed the source of Lyrica that were being distributed as narcotic pills in Bahrain and exposed the irresponsible way the security and judiciary authorities have dealt with the issue in previous periods.
Sharifa Siwar Presents Her Evidence on Lyrica Issue to Interior Ministry
The Cybercrime department finished its investigations with Sharifa Siwar (who holds a PhD in psychotherapy). Sharifa was summoned on Sunday (June 5, 2020) after saying that has confirmed evidence that Lyrica pills come directly from the Ministry of Health's stores.
Cybercrime Department Summons Sharifa Siwar for Investigation after Announcing She has New Evidence on Lyrica Case
Sharifa Siwar (who holds a PhD in psychotherapy) said she was summoned by the Cybercrime Department. She said in a clip she broadcast on Monday (July 6, 2020) before the commencement of her investigation that she will present her own evidence on a gang that promotes Lyrica pills in Bahrain.
Siwar Says She Has Evidence on "Lyrica": Source of Sold Narcotic Pills is Health Ministry
Sharifa Siwar (who holds a PhD in psychotherapy) announced on Sunday night (July 5, 2020) that she has confirmed evidence that Lyrica pills distributed as narcotic pills in Bahrain come directly from the ministry of health stores.
2019 Roundup: Oddest Story of the Year: Lyrica Drug Dealers Acquitted, Sharifa Siwar Incriminated
The story began in the second half of March 2019, when Sharifa Siwar (who holds a PhD in psychotherapy) disclosed a critical case when she spoke of a network that promotes narcotic pills in Hamad Town Intermediate Girls School.
Dr. Sharifa Siwar Sustains Hand and Leg Injury in Car Accident
Psychologist Dr. Sharifa Siwar suffered a car accident which left her with a broken hand and leg.
Cabinet Says Hamad Town's School Incident Individual, Accuses Dr. Shairfa Siwar of "Slander and Defamation"
The cabinet was informed about the results of the investigation into the incident of the Hamad Town Intermediate Girls' School and concluded that the incident was individual and that there was no drug abuse or dealing at that school.
What We Don�t Know about Hamad Town School: This is What Official Report Warned of 2 Years Ago
An official report issued two years ago on the behavioral problems of students at Hamad Town Intermediate Girls School confirms that the Ministry of Education has not made the necessary efforts to combat the students� unacceptable behavior.
Ministers and Ministries Barred from Reporting on Hamad Town School Case: Probing Committee
The probing committee into the case of Hamad Town Intermediate Girls School barred ministers and ministries from giving statements on the case that blew up due to the involvement of a ruling family member and an officer.
Prosecution Says It Launched "Extensive Investigation" into "Hamad Town School" Case
Capital Prosecution Chief, Nawaf Al-Awadhi, said that it launched an extensive investigation into what is known as "Hamad Town School Case" for girls, which was raised in a widely circulated video that revealed promoting pharmaceutical drug and practicing immoral acts in the school.
PM Orders Formation of Committee to Probe into Hamad Town School Case under Chairmanship of Mohammed bin Mubarak
The Prime Minister ordered the formation of a governmental committee to probe into Hamad Town Intermediate Girls School incident after talking about the promotion of drugs and practicing of immoral acts inside the school.
New Information: Al Khalifa Family Shaikh and Officer Involved in Hamad Town School Case
Sharifa Siwar, holds a PhD in Psychotherapy, disclosed a critical case when she spoke of a network that promotes narcotic pills in Hamad Town Intermediate Girls School.