� Public Prosecutor
530 Inmates Granted Alternative Penalties
Public Prosecutor Ali Fadhl Al-Bouainain announced that a group of 530 inmates who served half of their jail terms have been released from rehabilitation and reform centers after replacing their remaining sentences with non-custodial penalties.
80 Juveniles Released Under Alternative Penalty Law on Occasion of National Team Victory
Public Prosecutor Ali Fadhl Al-Bouainain announced on Monday (December 9, 2019) that a group of 80 inmates have been released from rehabilitation centers after replacing their remaining jail terms with non-custodial penalties.
Public Prosecutor Says 756 Convicts Benefited from Alternative Punishments
Public Prosecutor Ali Al-Buainain said that 756 convicts have so far benefited from the law on alternative punishments. Human rights organizations are calling to expand the beneficiaries to include political prisoners.