Bahrainis Continue Protests for 16th Day as COVID-19 Cases Rise in Jaw Prison
The families of political prisoners in Bahrain continued their peaceful protests for the consecutive sixteenth day, insistently demanding the release of their imprisoned family members, who have been suffering from injustice, the effects of the pandemic and medical negligence in Jaw Central Prison.
Bahrain Court Fines 5 Members of Prisoners' Families 1,000 BD Each for Violating Ban on Gatherings
A Bahrain criminal court issued a ruling against five members of families of political prisoners after charging them with violating the ministerial decision banning gatherings of more than five people in public places, issued to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus, by fining them 1,000 dinars each.
48 Political Prisoners Died in Bahrain's Prisons since 2011: Bahrain Center for Human Rights
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) issued a statement following the death of inmate Abbas Hasan Malallah (50) in Jaw Central Prison.
Political Prisoner Abbas Malallah Dies in Jaw Prison, amid Coronavirus Spread and Starvation
The Bahraini Ministry of Interior announced on April 6, 2021 through a statement issued by the Prisons Directorate, the death of 50-year-old political prisoner, Abbas Hasan Malallah, who is from the Nuwaidrat area, married and has three children.
US Department of State Report Criticizes Human Rights Violations in Bahrain
US Department of State issued its 2020 annual human rights report and discussed the human rights situation in Bahrain in 39 pages.
Father of Martyr Ali Mushaima Released after Replacing His Remaining Prison Sentence with "Alternative Punishment"
The Bahraini authorities released today Abdulhadi Mushaima, 57, father of the first martyr in the Bahraini uprising, after he was recently arrested over taking part in peaceful protests in 2019.
Coronavirus Hits Jaw Central Prison, Inmate Tested Positive for COVID-19
The Interior Ministry announced on Tuesday (February 9, 2021) that a detainee in Jaw Prison was infected with Coronavirus and said that it quarantined people in contact with him.
Parliamentary Question to Justice Minister: What are Your Plans for Expanding Alternative Punishment Program?
MP Ghazi Al Rahma raised a Parliamentary to the Justice Minister Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa about the ministry's preparations for the development and expansion of alternative punishment programs, and the level of cooperation it is carrying out with charities and civil society organizations to implement these programs.
Political Prisoner Reveals Part of Medical Cadre Transgressions in Jaw Prison Clinic
Political prisoner Ali Haji revealed a part of the transgressions practiced by the medical cadre in charge of Jaw Central Prison clinic and the complicity of the staff with the prison administration, and transferring the prison pharmacy into a commercial pharmacy.
Al-Wefaq: 5,689 Victims have Documented Severe Torture since Beginning of Popular Movement
The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said that since the beginning of the popular movement in 2011 to date, those who documented severe torture and ill-treatment amounted to 5,689 victims, including women, children and people with special needs.
BFHR: Denial of Treatment Turned into Typical Torture Method in Bahraini Prisons
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights said in a statement on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture that the denial of treatment has turned into a typical method of torture in Bahrain's prisons.
Bahrain: Teenage Prisoner Unable to Eat Due to Teeth Issues, Prison Administration Denies Him Treatment
A 17-year-old Bahraini prisoner (legally a minor) complained about his inability to eat food after his teeth began to fall apart. He was denied treatment by the Dry Dock Prison Administration.
Latest Sufferings of Political Prisoners in Jaw and Dry Dock Prisons
"Rasd", a network specialized in security movements, raids and arrests, announced that the Jaw Prison administration punished a number of detainees who commemorated religious rites during the month of Ramadan.
Reasons that Make Prisoners Release Urgent Necessity
Bahrain has pardoned more than 900 prisoners after the Coronavirus outbreak, only one third of which are political detainees. Bahrain's prisons remain overcrowded with prisoners of conscience and political prisoners.
Brian Dooley to GIDHR: Prisoners Contracting Coronavirus would Harm Ruling Family Reputation, Gov�t Should Release Them
Activist Brian Dooley from Human Rights First said that we are in a new context because of the Coronavirus, indicating that "people, like Naji Fateel and other human rights defenders, should not be imprisoned with or without the virus."
Editorial: Prison Is a Coronavirus Target and Political Prisoners Are Country's Immunity
Coronavirus is changing the whole world. It is said that once this virus ends, the world won't be the same anymore. Those behind bars in Bahrain are victims of the pre-Coronavirus world. There is no political meaning for even keeping them imprisoned, as this only exhausts the government at a time when it needs to lift its burdens.
Is it Time to Empty Bahraini Prisons of Political Prisoners?
Bahraini activists continue to call for the release of the largest number of political detainees and prisoners of conscience amid the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the world. They are pushing the authorities to empty Bahraini prisons of political prisoners in light of the worrying situation.
Protecting Lives of Prisoners Priority, Not Punishing them
At a time several countries have made decisions releasing prisoners due to fear of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in prisons, the authorities in Bahrain are being very strict and stubborn in not releasing political prisoners.
UAE: Prisoners with HIV Vulnerable to Coronavirus
Emirati prison authorities should consider the conditional and appropriate release of prisoners living with HIV who have been denied regular access to lifesaving medication as the number of COVID-19 cases in the UAE increases, Human Rights Watch said today.
Who Killed Martyr Kadhem Al-Sehlawi?
�I want them to return my son as healthy as they took him,� said the mother of cancer victim Sayed Kadhem Abbas Al-Sehlawi (23) when he was released in 2018, after his health condition sharply deteriorated.