� Dismissal of Al Atiyatullah
2023 Portfolios: Dismissal of Atiyatullah Brothers after 1 Billion Dollar Embezzlement, Ruling Family Maintains Secrecy over Issue
In March 2023, conflicting reports indicated that the Minister of Follow-up at the Royal Court, Ahmed Atiyatullah, had been dismissed, and his brother, Salman Atiyatullah, relieved of his duty as head of the King Hamad Hospital.
The People Want Al Atiyatulah to Reveal Where the 400 million BD Went
You write a piece of news about him in the newspaper on one of his many activities in the country, then you receive a call from the Sheikh. He gives you compliments and words of praise, but soon this is followed by a derogatory behavior that exposes his true feelings towards you, which is contempt for you.
What the Atiyatulah Brothers Stole is Double Amount Found in "Future Generation Fund"
It seems that many haven't yet understood the amount of money which brothers Ahmed and Salman Atiyatullah Al Khalifa stole from state funds.